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Blob Multi-Objective Optimization Using Genetic Algorithm...

Created: 2012-05-11 02:23:50

Credits: User Mohd Saberi

License: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License

 Microarray technology has been increasingly used in cancer research because of its potential for measuring expression levels of thousands of genes simultaneously in tissue samples. It is used to collect the information from tissue samples regarding gene expression differences that could be useful for cancer classification. However, this classification task faces many challenges due to availability of a smaller number of samples compared to the huge number of genes, and many of ...

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Blob Intelligent Hybrid Algorithm using Constraint-Based ...

Created: 2012-05-11 02:21:50

Credits: User Mohd Saberi

License: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License

 Almost all hospital has its own nurses and still use the old fashion manual way of managing nurse scheduling in daily business. Nurse scheduling problem represents a difficult class of multi-objective optimisation problems consisting of a number of interfering objectives between the hospitals and individual nurses. Nurse scheduling consists of assignment of shifts and holidays to nurses for each day on the time horizon, taking into consideration a variety of conflicting interests or obj...

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Blob Inferring Gene Regulatory Networks from Gene Express...

Created: 2012-05-11 02:20:28

Credits: User Mohd Saberi

License: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License

 Enabled by recent advances in bioinformatics, the inference of gene regulatory networks (GRNs) from gene expression data has garnered much interest from researchers. This is due to the need of researchers to understand the dynamic behavior and uncover the vast information lay hidden within the networks. In this regard, dynamic Bayesian network (DBN) is extensively used to infer GRNs due to its ability to handle time-series microarray data and modeling feedback loops. However, the ...

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Blob Identifying Metabolic Pathway within Microarray Gene...

Created: 2012-05-11 02:18:43 | Last updated: 2012-05-11 02:18:44

Credits: User Mohd Saberi

License: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License

 Extracting metabolic pathway that dictates a specific biological response is cunently one of the important disciplines in metabolic system biology research. Previous methods have successfirlly identified those pathways but without concerning the genetic effect and relationship of the genes, the underlying structw€ is not precisely represented and cannot be justified to be significant biologically. In this article, probabilistic models capable of identi&ing the significant...

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Blob Identifying Gene Knockout Strategies Using a Hybrid ...

Created: 2012-05-11 02:16:43

Credits: User Mohd Saberi

License: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License

 Genome-scale metabolic networks reconstructions from different organisms have become popular in recent years. Genetic engineering is proven to be able to obtain the desirable phenotypes. Optimization algorithms are implemented in previous works to identify the effects of gene knockout on the results. However, the previous works face the problem of falling into local minima. Thus, a hybrid of Bees Algorithm and Flux Balance Analysis (BAFBA) is proposed in this paper to solve the lo...

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Blob Identifying Gene Knockout Strategies Using a Hybrid ...

Created: 2012-05-11 02:15:08 | Last updated: 2012-05-11 02:15:09

Credits: User Mohd Saberi

License: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License

 Genome-scale metabolic networks reconstructions from different organisms have become popular in recent years. Genetic engineering is proven to be able to obtain the desirable phenotypes. Optimization algorithms are implemented in previous works to identify the effects of gene knockout on the results. However, the previous works face the problem of falling into local minima. Thus, a hybrid of Bees Algorithm and Flux Balance Analysis (BAFBA) is proposed in this paper to solve the lo...

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Blob Genetic Algorithms Wrapper Approach to Select Inform...

Created: 2012-05-11 02:13:44

Credits: User Mohd Saberi

License: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License

 Constantly improving gene expression technology offer the ability to measure the expression levels of thousand of genes in parallel. Gene expression data is expected to significantly aid in the development of efficient cancer diagnosis and classification platforms. Key issues that need to be addressed under such circumstances are the efficient selection of minimum number of genes that contribute to a disease from the thousands of genes measured on microarrays that are inherently noisy. ...

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Blob Feature Selection Method Using Genetic Algorithm for...

Created: 2012-05-11 02:10:56

Credits: User Mohd Saberi

License: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License

 Practical pattern classification problems require selection of a subset of attributes or features to represent the patterns to be classified. The feature selection process is very important which selects the informative features for used classification process. This is due to the fact that performance of the classifier is sensitive to the choice of the features used to construct the good classifier from small or high dimension data that are inherently noisy. In this paper, we propose an...

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Blob Distributed Data Partitioning Interface for Homogene...

Created: 2012-05-11 02:09:31

Credits: User Mohd Saberi

License: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License

 The effort required to write efficient parallel programmes or to parallelize existing sequential algorithms remains daunting. This is true even for regularly structured problems. Much of the work takes place when partitioning and distributing workloads over processors in a distributed computing environment. To alleviate this task, we present a data parallel interface called Distributed Data Partitioning Interface (DDPI). Its simple interface permits parallel implementation even by users...

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Blob Bioinformatics: A Tool for Bio-Knowledge Generation ...

Created: 2012-05-11 02:08:16

Credits: User Mohd Saberi

License: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License

 With the knowledge-based economy (KBE) emerging as a new paradigm, it becomes important that economic actors acquire new knowledge and technology. This will stimulate innovation and contribute further growth and development. In the knowledge-based economy, it is not tangible capital but intangible and innovations that determine international competitiveness, productivity growth and worker’s status in the labour market. This intangible capital and innovation are supplied by knowled...

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