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Blob Protein secondary structure prediction using optimal...

Created: 2012-07-04 06:55:38

Credits: User Mohd Saberi

License: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License

 Protein includes many substances, such as enzymes, hormones and antibodies that are necessary for the organisms. These proteins have different shapes and structures which distinct them from each other. By having unique structures, only proteins able to carried out their function efficiently. The importance of understanding protein structure has fueled the development of protein structure databases and prediction tools. The main objective of this research is to optimize local protein str...

File type: Adobe PDF

Comments: 0 | Viewed: 23 times | Downloaded: 14 times

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Workflow Get all applications available on the HPS (1)

This workflow requests all available applications on the HPS which do not require authentication to run. No inputs. Outputs contain all information to execute the application on the HPS such as the ID of the application and the names of all parameters.

Created: 2012-07-03

Credits: User Anja Le Blanc


Blob test

Created: 2012-07-03 09:19:43 | Last updated: 2013-05-16 01:56:36

Credits: User Cs88dn

License: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License


File type: JPEG image

Comments: 0 | Viewed: 49 times | Downloaded: 17 times


Workflow VOTable of NED Images from a List of Objects (1)

Extraction of metadata using NED Image Virtual Observatory Service into a single VOTable, providing a list of objects and the width for each field in arcmin. Among the most relevant metadata are the URL link to the FITS images. This Wf makes use of a Tool developed as an internal pyhton script file.

Created: 2012-07-01 | Last updated: 2012-07-01

Credits: User Jose Enrique Ruiz

Attributions: Workflow Astronomical object name to equatorial coordinates Resolver

Workflow Astronomical object name to equatorial coo... (1)

 Resolve equatorial coordinates of a list of objects (names) with AstroTaverna plugin

Created: 2012-06-30 | Last updated: 2012-07-01

Credits: User Jose Enrique Ruiz

Workflow Simple executable plan example (1)

A simple executable plan containing a migration action component and a QA component. The migration action uses imagemagick convert. The QA component consists of two characterisation components (fits) and another QA components (imagemagick compare).

Created: 2012-06-29

Credits: User Markus Plangg

Workflow VOTables from NED Web Services (1)

Extraction of a sample of VOTables from all the NED Web Services present in paper 2007ASPC..382..165M Web-based Tools - NED VO Services (Mazzarella, J. M.; NED Team). The National Virtual Observatory: Tools and Techniques for Astronomical Research. ASP Conference Series, Vol. 382. Edited by M.J. Graham, M.J. Fitzpatrick, and T.A. McGlynn. San Francisco: Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 2007., p.165

Created: 2012-06-28 | Last updated: 2013-04-12

Credits: User Jose Enrique Ruiz


Pack Presentation - Social Machines - Three Shifts in Dig...

Created: 2012-06-28 08:45:11 | Last updated: 2012-06-28 09:00:27

Title: Social Machines - Three Shifts in Digital Scholarship Speaker: David De Roure Event: 6th Bloomsbury Conference Event URL: Location: UCL, London, UK Date: Thursday June 28, 2012 Formats: .pptx

1 item in this pack

Comments: 0 | Viewed: 9 times | Downloaded: 4 times

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Workflow SNP_ID2EntrezGene_ID (4)

Purpose: The workflow maps a SNP (dbSNP id) to a gene (EntrezGene id). Author comments: The window for gene inclusion can be set using the set_width parameter. This workflow can be used together with other workflows in this pack: for functional gene and SNP annotation and knowledge discovery.

Created: 2012-06-26 | Last updated: 2013-03-11

Credits: User Kristina Hettne User Harish Dharuri


Workflow Online update recommendation web service V2 (1)

 After some arbitrary number of recommendations to specific users, system has to update recommendations in item recommendation table. This is accomplished by calling the online update recommendation web service, which updates the recommendation model in RapidAnalytics repository and updates the recommendations for specific users in item recommendation table.

Created: 2012-06-20 | Last updated: 2012-06-20

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