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Project Biovel

Blob Data Refinement Workflow Utility Jar (Current Version)

Created: 2012-07-26 14:56:42 | Last updated: 2012-11-07 08:48:49

Credits: User Cherian Mathew

License: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License

   jar which includes all utility classes with functionality used in the Data Refeinement workflow

File type: Trident (Package)

Comments: 0 | Viewed: 45 times | Downloaded: 27 times

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Workflow Check the content of the Registry for mism... (1)

This workflow check for tables which are registered in the HELIO registry but not available in the HFC and for tables which are in the UOC but which are not registred.

Created: 2012-07-26

Credits: User Anja Le Blanc

Workflow Adjusting galaxy parameters using galfit (4)

This workflow creates galfit configuration files using data from a votable, it runs galfit, its results is added to the votable, it creates new config files for galfit using the previous results, it runs galfit a second time considering galaxies that have and do not have bars in order to adjust the objective parameters and it finally includes the results into the votable. It requires the specification of the columns that contain file names (these files should be accesibles from taverna). If t...

Created: 2012-07-26 | Last updated: 2012-09-07

Credits: User Julian Garrido

Attributions: Workflow Create configuration files from a template and a votable Workflow Run galfit using a votable Workflow Create votable from galfit results Workflow Create votable from different galfit paramenter adjustments Workflow Create galfit configuration files with partition criteria using votable

Workflow Create galfit configuration files with par... (1)

This workflow creates galfit configuration files using a partition criteria. The resulting configuration files are different depending on whether the galaxy has o doesn't have a bar. They are created (one for every row in the votable) using a template whose keys are replaced by data from a votable. Keys must appear also in the vocabulary file and match column names in the votable. A column in the votable must contain the name of the result configuration file. This workflow uses astrotaverna ...

Created: 2012-07-26 | Last updated: 2012-07-26

Credits: User Julian Garrido

Workflow Create votable from galfit results (4)

The workflow creates a votable from the results provided by galfit. It returns this table and an aditional table that is joined to the input table. It requires a votable that contains a column with the file name resulting from running galfit and such files must be accesible from taverna. It uses astrotaverna plugin ( and it has a dependency on stil library (

Created: 2012-07-26 | Last updated: 2012-09-07

Credits: User Julian Garrido

Workflow Run galfit using a votable (2)

It runs galfit and adjust the paramenters specified. This workflow has a dependency on the stil library ( Galfit is called by a bash script as 'galfit'. Galfit is called for every row in the votable. Columns where the result file name and the configuration file name are defined must be especified. These files should be accesibles from taverna. ExperimentFolder provides the root folder for the experiment. If the configuration files contain references to o...

Created: 2012-07-26 | Last updated: 2012-09-07

Credits: User Julian Garrido

Workflow Ajusting galaxy paramenters using sextractor (5)

This workflow creates configuration files for sextractor, it runs sextractor using this configuration files, it adds sextractor results to the input votable and adds new calculated columns. This task requires a votable as input, a template, a vocabulary and the specification of the column names that contain some required files (configuration files, image files, ...). These files must be accesible from taverna. Sextractor is called by an bash script as 'sex'. Every row in the votable cotains ...

Created: 2012-07-26 | Last updated: 2012-09-07

Credits: User Julian Garrido

Attributions: Workflow Create configuration files from a template and a votable Workflow Run sextractor using a votable Workflow Create votable from sextractor results Workflow Add columns to a votable resulting from executing sextractor.

Workflow Create votable from sextractor results (2)

The workflow creates a votable from the results provided by sextractor (votables). It returns this table and an aditional table that is joined to the input table. It requires a votable that contains a column with the file name resulting from running sextractor and such files accesible from taverna. It uses astrotaverna plugin (

Created: 2012-07-26 | Last updated: 2012-08-21

Credits: User Julian Garrido

Workflow Run sextractor using a votable (2)

It runs sextractor and adjust the paramenters specified. This workflow has a dependency on the stil library ( Sextractor is called by an bash script as 'sex'. Sextractor is called for every row in the votable. Columns where the configuration file and the image file name are defined must be especified. These files should be accesibles from taverna. ExperimentFolder provides the root folder for the experiment. If the configuration files contain refer...

Created: 2012-07-26 | Last updated: 2012-09-07

Credits: User Julian Garrido


Workflow 13C NMR spectra prediction (2)

This workflow can be used to predict the 13C NMR spectra of a molecule. The generation of the structure of the molecule is done using the IUPAC to Structure node that uses OPSIN to convert the name of the molecule to a structure. Alternativelly, one can read the structure from a file. The spectra prediction is based on the NMRShiftDB implementation and the data used is also from NMRShiftDB. The atom topological environments were represented as Atom Signatures and used to calculate the checmia...

Created: 2012-07-26 | Last updated: 2012-08-10

Credits: User Ldpf

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