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Workflow Monthly counts for feature occurences betw... (1)

This workflow provides monthly counts of features in HFC between the beginning of year_start and the end of year_end. Returns the result as comma separated file (csv) and as list of lists.

Created: 2012-08-22

Credits: User Anja Le Blanc

Attributions: Workflow Number of recorded features in catalogue per month Workflow Split VOTable into its values

Blob Bozeman Tutorial

Created: 2012-08-22 09:59:37

Credits: User Katy Wolstencroft

License: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License

This tutorial is an introduction to designing and using Taverna workflows and myExperiment. It was created for the workshop "Making Sense of Biological Systems:Using Knowledge Mining to Improve and Validate Models of Living Systems", at Montana State University Aug 2012

File type: PowerPoint presentation

Comments: 0 | Viewed: 54 times | Downloaded: 65 times


Workflow Number of recorded features in catalogue p... (1)

The number of features of the specified catalogue are counted per month between beginning of the year_start und the end of the year_end. Return format is VOTable

Created: 2012-08-22

Credits: User Anja Le Blanc

Workflow Get a list of proteins annotated with an O... (3)

A service to look for models in BioModels using an Ontology Id as input. First the workflow will look in QuickGO for UniProt accessions annotated with the provided Ontology Id. Then it will look for models using the list of proteins. If one of the input protein is found in one model the workflow will provide the BioModels Id, the SBML and a link to the BioModels database. Please use taverna 2.4 or above.

Created: 2012-08-22 | Last updated: 2013-07-10

Credits: User Rafael C. Jimenez

Workflow Get models from BioModels including the in... (3)

A service to look for models in BioModels using a UniProt accession as input. If the input protein is found in one model the workflow will provide the BioModels Id, the SBML and a link to the BioModels database. Please use taverna 2.4 or above.

Created: 2012-08-22 | Last updated: 2012-08-24

Credits: User Rafael C. Jimenez

Workflow Number of features in a month in a year (1)

Returns the number of features in a HFC catalogue which occured in a month in a year given as inputs.

Created: 2012-08-21

Credits: User Anja Le Blanc

Workflow Create votable from different galfit param... (2)

The workflow creates a votable from the results provided by galfit. It returns this table and an aditional table that is joined to the input table. It requires a votable that contains a column with the file name resulting from running galfit and such files must be accesible from taverna. It uses astrotaverna plugin ( and it has a dependency on stil library ( The galfit files may come from adjusting 'disk, bulb, ba...

Created: 2012-08-21 | Last updated: 2012-09-07

Credits: User Julian Garrido

Workflow Create_SNP_Set (1)

The purpose of the workflow is to determine SNPs in the vicinity of the genes and create a SNP set for a given set of genes. The user has the freedom to choose the flanking width around the gene for determining the SNPs. The input is in the form of entrez gene ids. Biomart services are used to determine the chromosome and position of the gene as well as determining Affy gene chip 6k ids. The final report is stored as a tab-delimited text file with Affy 6 gene chip ids for the SNP and Kegg inf...

Created: 2012-08-21

Credits: User Harish Dharuri

Workflow Kegg:Reactions Scheme (2)

The purpose of this workflow is to determine all the enzymes/genes that participate in a radius of 2 reaction steps around a given metabolite. Broadly, the scheme involves the following steps: 1. determine all the reactions that the given metabolite participates in 2. determine all the compounds that participate in these reactions 3. filter certain compounds like H2O, ATP etc to avoid non-specific connections 4. determine all the reactions that the compounds passing through step 3 participate...

Created: 2012-08-20 | Last updated: 2013-08-27

Credits: User Harish Dharuri

Workflow Check HEC instances for diverging content (2)

This workflow check all tables in HEC on festung1 and festung3 for diverging content by comparing the last 1000 entries in each table. Output is a list of tabel names with different content.

Created: 2012-08-20 | Last updated: 2012-08-20

Credits: User Anja Le Blanc

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