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Workflow Text-mining using OSCAR to obtain a list o... (1)

This service extracts chemical names from text and obtains identifiers for these names. It outputs a HTML string that can be opened in a browser providing a table of information and links to ChemSpider.Known issues - Character limit ~3000 - Unable to produce InChIs or CSID for some names - Error sometimes encountered when a trivial and systematic name for the same compound are used - Some issues with identifiers being recognised but not able to be processedrequires access ...

Created: 2013-04-18

Credits: User Michael Smith User Mark Borkum

Attributions: Workflow InChIToCSID


Blob Financial dataset

Created: 2013-04-16 08:25:15 | Last updated: 2013-04-16 08:25:26

License: No license

Financial dataset

File type: RDF data

Comments: 0 | Viewed: 32 times | Downloaded: 17 times

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Blob SWRC: people with assigned research groups

Created: 2013-04-16 08:20:17 | Last updated: 2013-04-16 08:23:49

Credits: User Jedrzej Potoniec

License: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License

RapidMiner dataset for task of classifying people to the right research group, to be used with

File type: Trident (Package)

Comments: 0 | Viewed: 14 times | Downloaded: 11 times

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Blob SWRC dataset

Created: 2013-04-16 08:12:48

License: No license

November 2006 version, without reasoning performed Bloehdorn, Stephan, and York Sure. "Kernel methods for mining instance data in ontologies." The Semantic Web. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2007. 58-71.

File type: RDF data

Comments: 0 | Viewed: 75 times | Downloaded: 2693 times

This File has no tags!

Workflow Validate_Compare_Compare_List (1)

QA for file migrated to wav. The QA steps include File Format Validation, Significant Property Comparison and xcorrSound waveform-compare file content comparison (all CLI). Input the migrated wav and a "compare-to-wav" file.

Created: 2013-04-15

Credits: User Bolette Jurik

Workflow Select columns from VOTable (2)

Snippet showing how to use AstroTaverna tool for selecting/filtering columns from a VOTable.

Created: 2013-04-12 | Last updated: 2013-04-12

Workflow Select rows from VOTable (1)

Snippet showing how to use AstroTaverna tool for selecting/filtering rows from a VOTable. Functions provided by STILTS Library may be used.

Created: 2013-04-12

Workflow Joins two VOTables with the same numer of ... (1)

Snippet showing how to use AstroTaverna tool for joining two VOTables. The input is two VOTables with the same number of rows. The result if using sample values provided will be an horizontally duplicated VOTable.

Created: 2013-04-12

Workflow Concatenates two VOTables with the same nu... (2)

Snippet showing how to use AstroTaverna tool for concatenating two VOTables. The input is two VOTables with the same number of columns. The result if using sample values provided will be a vertically duplicated VOTable.

Created: 2013-04-12 | Last updated: 2013-04-12

Workflow Adding a column to a VOTable using a mathe... (1)

Snippet showing how to use AstroTaverna tool for adding columns based on expressions of existing columns. The input is a VOTable with five columns. A new column is added considering the maximum value of the three last columns. All functions provided by STILTS Library may be used.

Created: 2013-04-12

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