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Showing 4524 results. Use the filters on the left and the search box below to refine the results.

Workflow Integral Projection Model for Demographic ... (1)

This workflow constructs and analyses an IPM with only continuous stages and without ramet production based on the IPMpack (R). Information about the Input file: The data must be organized in a table (in .csv format), where each row represents one observation of an organism in the population at one census time t with the following column names: size: size of individuals in census time t sizeNext: size of individuals in census time t +1 surv: survival of individuals from census time t to t...

Created: 2013-08-13

Credits: User Maria Paula Balcazar-Vargas User Jon Giddy User Gerard Oostermeijer

Workflow Matrix Population Model analysis v12 (2)

The Matrix Population Models Workflow provides an environment to perform several analyses on a stage-matrix with no density dependence: - Eigen analysis; - Age specific survival; - Generation time (T); - Net reproductive rate (Ro); - Transient Dynamics; - Bootstrap of observed census transitions (Confidence intervals of lambda); - Survival curve; - Keyfitz delta; - Cohen's cumulative distance. This workflow requires an instance of Rserve on localhost This workflow has been created by the Bi...

Created: 2013-08-13 | Last updated: 2014-07-09

Credits: User Maria Paula Balcazar-Vargas User Jon Giddy User Gerard Oostermeijer

Attributions: Workflow Creation of a stage matrix model from demographic monitoring of individuals in an animal or plant population Workflow Eigen analysis Workflow Age specific analysis Workflow Transient Dynamics. Workflow Generation time (T) Workflow Net reproductive rate (Ro) Blob Demographic data Gentiana pneumonanthe 1987-1988 from Terschelling File.

Workflow Matrix Population Model construction and a... (3)

The Matrix Population Models Workflow provides an environment to create stage-matrices with no density dependence and to perform several analyses on them: - Eigen analysis; - Age specific survival; - Generation time (T); - Net reproductive rate (Ro); - Transient Dynamics; - Bootstrap of observed census transitions (Confidence intervals of lambda); - Survival curve; - Keyfitz delta; - Cohen's cumulative distance. If multiple year transitions are selected, the results will be ordered by year. ...

Created: 2013-08-13 | Last updated: 2014-07-04

Credits: User Maria Paula Balcazar-Vargas User Jon Giddy User Gerard Oostermeijer

Attributions: Workflow Creation of a stage matrix model from demographic monitoring of individuals in an animal or plant population Workflow Matrix Population Model construction and analysis Workflow Eigen analysis Workflow Age specific analysis Workflow Transient Dynamics. Workflow Generation time (T) Workflow Net reproductive rate (Ro) Workflow Bootstrap of observed census transitions. Blob Demographic data Gentiana pneumonanthe 1987-1988 from Terschelling File.

Workflow Extracts metabolites from a GPML pathway d... (1)

This Groovy scripts starts with a WikiPathways identifier, downloads the GPML, and uses the Groovy XmlParser to extract metabolites for which it reports the label, and if available, database and identifier.

Created: 2013-08-11 | Last updated: 2013-08-11

Credits: User Egon Willighagen

Workflow ENM SVM workflow used for optimization (1)

This workflow was used for the optimization of the SVM algorithm from the openModeller toolbox ( The workflow uses 10-fold cross-validation and then calculates the average AUC, which can be used as fitness value during parameter optimization.

Created: 2013-08-09 | Last updated: 2013-09-04

Credits: User Sonja Holl User Renato De Giovanni

Workflow ENM Maxent workflow used for optimization (1)

This workflow was used for the optimization of the Maxent algorithm from the openModeller toolbox ( The workflow uses 10-fold cross-validation and then calculates the average AUC, which can be used as fitness value during parameter optimization.

Created: 2013-08-09 | Last updated: 2013-09-04

Credits: User Sonja Holl User Renato De Giovanni

Workflow WebCrawl-RapidMiner (1)


Created: 2013-08-06


Blob Extended PDL description for AMIGA cone search service

Created: 2013-08-05 09:44:39 | Last updated: 2014-02-10 14:10:36

Credits: User Julian Garrido

License: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License

PDL description file for the amiga catalog web service (cone search). This is an extended description where some columns from the resulting votable are also described as output of the service (even though the service only returns a VOTable).The following columns are considered as extended output:- RA J2000- DEC J2000- LB- V3K

File type: XML

Comments: 0 | Viewed: 49 times | Downloaded: 17 times



Blob PDL description for AMIGA cone search service

Created: 2013-08-01 09:24:29 | Last updated: 2014-02-11 10:36:12

Credits: User Julian Garrido

License: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License

PDL description file for the amiga catalog web service (cone search).

File type: XML

Comments: 0 | Viewed: 57 times | Downloaded: 20 times


Workflow Find isotopes with a certain exact match (1)

This script lists all isotopes matching a certain exact mass (given a certain error) and outputs the symbol, atomic number, and exact match of the search hits.

Created: 2013-07-30 | Last updated: 2013-07-31

Credits: User Egon Willighagen

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