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Showing 294 results. Use the filters on the left and the search box below to refine the results.

Workflow Iterate over Attribute Subsets and Store A... (1)

This process iterates over all possible feature subsets and stores a) the names of all attribute subsets, b) the number of used features, and c) the achieved performance in a log table which can then be further analyzed.

Created: 2011-07-07

Workflow Item to item similarity matrix -based reco... (1)

This process executes the recommendation based on item to item similarity matrix. The inputs to the process are context defined macros: %{id} defines an item ID for which we would like to obtain recommendation and %{recommender_no} defines the required number of recommendations. The process internally uses an item to item similarity matrix written in pairwise form (id1, id2, similarity). The process essentially filters out appearances of the required ID in both of the columns of the pairwis...

Created: 2011-03-15 | Last updated: 2011-03-15

Workflow Collaborative filtering recommender (1)

This process executes a collaborative filtering recommender based on user to item score matrix. This recommender predicts one user’s score on some of his non scored items based on similarity with other users. The inputs to the process are context defined macros: %{id} defines an item ID for which we would like to obtain recommendation and %{recommender_no} defines the required number of recommendations and %{number_of_neighbors} defines the number of the most similar users taken into a...

Created: 2011-03-15 | Last updated: 2012-03-06

Workflow RCOMM Challenge 1: 99 bottles of beer (1)

At the RComm 2010 (, an unusual competition was held. Titled "Who Wants to Be a Data Miner", three challenges were issued to the participants of the conference. In all challenges, participants had to design RapidMiner processes as quickly as possible. This is the winning process of Challenge 1: "99 bottles of beer" by Sebastian Land. This was the task: Design a process that produces an example set the rows of which form the lyrics of the well-known song "99 bottles of beer...

Created: 2010-09-17


Workflow Semantic clustering (with k-medoids) of SP... (1)

The workflow uses RapidMiner extension named RMonto ( to perform clustering of SPARQL query results based on chosen semantic similarity measure. Since the semantics of the backgound ontology is used in this way, we use the name "semantic clustering". The SPARQL query is entered in a parameter of "SPARQL selector" operator. The clustering operator (k-medoids) allows to specify which of the query variables are to be used as clustering criteria. If more ...

Created: 2012-01-29


Workflow Semantic clustering (with AHC) of SPARQL q... (1)

The workflow uses RapidMiner extension named RMonto ( to perform clustering of SPARQL query results based on chosen semantic similarity measure. The measure used in this particualr workflow is a kernel that exploits membership of clustered individuals to OWL classes from a background ontology ("Common classes" kernel from [1]). Since the semantics of the backgound ontology is used in this way, we use the name "semantic clustering". ...

Created: 2012-01-29 | Last updated: 2012-01-29


Workflow Semantic clustering (with alpha-clustering... (1)

The workflow uses RapidMiner extension named RMonto ( to perform clustering of SPARQL query results based on chosen semantic similarity measure. The measure used in this particualr workflow is a kernel that exploits membership of clustered individuals to OWL classes from a background ontology ("Epistemic" kernel from [1]). Since the semantics of the backgound ontology is used in this way, we use the name "semantic clustering". This ...

Created: 2012-01-29 | Last updated: 2012-01-30


Workflow Loading OWL files (RDF version of videolec... (1)

The workflow uses RapidMiner extension named RMonto ( Operator "Build knowledge base" is responsible for collecting data either from OWL files or SPARQL endpoints or RDF repositories and provide it to the subsequent operators in a workflow. In this workflow it is parametrized in this way, that is builds a Sesame/OWLIM repository from the files specified in "Load file" operators. Paths to OWL files are specified as parameter va...

Created: 2012-01-29 | Last updated: 2012-01-29

Workflow Extended Operations for Nominal Values (1)

This process shows examples for the extended operations for nominal values coming with one of the next RapidMiner updates (5.0.011 or 5.1.000). The operations are performed with the operator "Generate Attributes" and can be used directly within the expressions for the new attributes. The supported functions include Number to String [str(x)], String to Number [parse(text)], Substring [cut(text, start, length)], Concatenation [concat(text1, text2, text3...)], Replace [replace(text, what, by)],...

Created: 2010-10-05

Workflow Content based recommender (1)

This process is a special case of the item to item similarity matrix based recommender where the item to item similarity is calculated as cosine similarity over TF-IDF word vectors obtained from the textual analysis over all the available textual data. The inputs to the process are context defined macros: %{id} defines an item ID for which we would like to obtain recommendation and %{recommender_no} defines the required number of recommendations. The process internally uses an example set of...

Created: 2011-03-15 | Last updated: 2011-03-15

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