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Showing 45 results. Use the filters on the left and the search box below to refine the results.

Workflow Authenticate with the OpenTox network (1)

 Bioclipse script commands log authenticate with the OpenTox network.

Created: 2011-05-25 | Last updated: 2011-05-25

Credits: User Egon Willighagen

Workflow Download the ONS solubility data from Goog... (1)

 Use the Bioclipse scripting langauge to authenticate with Google Docs, and download the Open Notebook Science solubility data into a local data structure.

Created: 2011-06-06 | Last updated: 2011-06-06

Credits: User Egon Willighagen

Workflow a (1)

No description

Created: 2014-07-20

Credits: User George Georgiou

Workflow Extracts metabolites from GPML pathway fil... (1)

Extracts metabolites from a collection of GPML pathway files downloaded from WikiPathways, and opens structures with IUPAC names in a molecules table, using the CDK and OPSIN.

Created: 2013-08-16

Credits: User Egon Willighagen

Workflow Find Labels in WikiPathways that are IUPAC... (1)

This scripts parses a directory with WikiPathways GPML files. For each "label" it checks if the label contains an IUPAC name (using OPSIN), calculated the InChIKey (using JNI-InChI/CDK), and looks up a ChemSpider identifiers (using the ChemSpider web service).

Created: 2013-08-20

Credits: User Egon Willighagen

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