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Showing 2916 results. Use the filters on the left and the search box below to refine the results.

Workflow TestIterator (1)

Workflow to experiment with list iteration strategies. Look at metadata of nested workflow 'Concatenate' to see the current iteration strategy.

Created: 2007-11-28

Credits: User Marco Roos

Workflow ChEBI-get_synonyms (2)

This workflow takes a list of entity names separated by a newline and queries the ChEBI database for synonyms. Thanks to Paul Fisher for resolving the problems with the XML Splitter by using an XPath statement to retrieve synonyms.

Created: 2007-11-19 | Last updated: 2007-11-19

Credits: User Sirisha Gollapudi

Workflow Picture of me (2)

If you enter as input I smile back at you as output.

Created: 2007-10-03

Workflow TreeVisualizationItol (11)

robust interaction

Created: 2013-12-11 | Last updated: 2014-11-27

Workflow SelectingEvolutionaryModelWithPartFinder (19)

BioVeL – Biodiversity Virtual e-Laboratory Workflow Documentation Name:Perform Short Bayesian Phylogenetic Inference Capacities Programme of Framework 7: EC e-Infrastructure Programme – e-Science Environments - INFRA-2011-1.2.1 Grant Agreement No: 283359 Project Co-ordinator: Mr Alex Hardisty Project Homepage: [][1] [1]: ## 1 Description The Pack contain 3 workflows that perform and validate bayesian phylogenetic i...

Created: 2013-12-11 | Last updated: 2014-12-01

Project Biovel

Workflow BioVeL ESW STACK - ENM Statistical Workflo... (5)

The ENM Statistical Stack Workflow (ESW STACK) allows the computation of the extent, intensity and a cummulated potential species distribution through computation of an average sum layer from the input raster layers using the R statistical environment (R Core Team 2013). The sum layer is computed from all input files. e.g from different distribution of species as a mean value from each corresponding raster cell values, coming from the Ecological Niche Modelling (ENM) Workflow (http://www.myex...

Created: 2013-10-13 | Last updated: 2016-06-22

Credits: User Robert Kulawik


Workflow Detrprok (4)

In the case study of stranded and prokaryotic RNAseq data, the Det'Rprok workflow detects candidates of 3 kinds of non coding RNA: 5'UTRs, antisense RNAs, and small RNAs.Inputs: i) an mapping file (bam format) containing one valid alignment by read, ii) a feature file (gff format) annotating the genomic sequences used for the mapping. Dependencies (from the Galaxy toolshed): "s_mart", "detrprok_scripts"

Created: 2013-05-20 | Last updated: 2015-11-03

Workflow Microbial Metagenomic Trait Statistical An... (9)

This workflow retrieves the following microbial metagenomic traits from the Microbial Metagenomic Trait Database: -GC content -Variance of GC content -Dinucleotides -Number of rRNA -Codon usage -Amino acid composition -Acidic to basic amino acids ratio -% of Transcriptional factors -% of classified reads -Functional content -Functional diversity -Taxonomic content -Taxonomic diversity After the retrieval performs the ecological analyses described in Barberan et al. 2012 (http://dx.doi.or...

Created: 2012-12-19 | Last updated: 2014-11-12

Credits: User Antonio Fernandez-Guerra User Renzo User Peliny Network-member BioVeL

Workflow Executes Python script (4)

Snippet showing how to use Taverna Tool in Service template folder for executing a Python script. This workflow needs Python to be installed on the local system, and declared in the PATH enviromental variable, so any python script could be executed from a terminal.

Created: 2011-07-14 | Last updated: 2013-04-22

Credits: User Jose Enrique Ruiz

Workflow NCBI BLAST (SOAP) (1)

Perform a BLAST search using the EMBL-EBI’s NCBI BLAST (SOAP) service (see The query sequence, database to search and BLAST program to use are inputs, the other parameters for the search are allowed to default.

Created: 2010-11-29 | Last updated: 2013-03-28

Attributions: Workflow EBI_NCBI_BLAST Workflow NCBI BLAST (SOAP)

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