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Workflow Write text file - specified value (1)

The beanshell creates an empty temporary file. The filepath to the temporary file is then passed to the Write_text_file service which writes 'hello' into the file. 'hello' is also output by the service.

Created: 2010-10-28

Workflow Write text file - overwriting content (1)

The beanshell creates an empty temporary file. The filepath to the temporary file is then passed to the Write_text_file A service which writes the string 'hello' into the file. After service A has run, service B writes 'goodbye' into the file. The file is then read by the Read_Text_File service and its content, 'goodbye', output by the workflow.

Created: 2010-10-28

Workflow Write text file - empty string value (1)

The beanshell creates an empty temporary file. The filepath to the temporary file is then passed to the Write_text_file service which writes the empty string '' into the file. '' is also output by the service.

Created: 2010-10-28

Workflow Read text file - several lines (1)

The beanshell write the string 'hello' four times separated by a new lineto a temporary file. The filepath to the temporary file is then passed to the Read_text_file service which reads the file and outputs the string 'hello hello hello hello'.

Created: 2010-10-28

Workflow Read text file (1)

The beanshell write the string 'hello' to a temporary file. The filepath to the temporary file is then passed to the Read_text_file service which reads the file and outputs the string 'hello'.

Created: 2010-10-28

Workflow Read text file - empty file (1)

The beanshell creates an empty temporary file. The filepath to the temporary file is then passed to the Read_text_file service which reads the file and outputs the empty string ''.

Created: 2010-10-28 | Last updated: 2010-10-28

Workflow List files by regex - single match (1)

The create_temporary_directory beanshell creates a temporary directory and outputs the path to that directory. The populate_directory beanshell creates several files within the temporary directory. Once the directory has been populated, it is examined by the List_files_by_regex service and the file path to the one file matching 'c.*' i.e. starting with 'c' is output.

Created: 2010-10-28

Workflow List files by regex - several answers (1)

The create_temporary_directory beanshell creates a temporary directory and outputs the path to that directory. The populate_directory beanshell creates several files within the temporary directory. Once the directory has been populated, it is examined by the List_files_by_regex service and the file paths matching the regular expression '.*i.*', i.e. those containing an 'i', are output.

Created: 2010-10-28

Workflow List files by regex - no matches (1)

The create_temporary_directory beanshell creates a temporary directory and outputs the path to that directory. The populate_directory beanshell creates several files within the temporary directory. Once the directory has been populated, it is examined by the List_files_by_regex service. Since no files match the regular expression 'x.*' i.e. no files have a name that starts with 'x', an empty list is output.

Created: 2010-10-28

Workflow List files by regex - empty directory (1)

The create_temporary_directory beanshell creates a temporary directory and outputs the path to that directory. The empty directory is examined by the List_files_by_regex service. Since there are no files, an empty list is output.

Created: 2010-10-28 | Last updated: 2010-10-28

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