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Showing 2916 results. Use the filters on the left and the search box below to refine the results.

Workflow ART-2a Classification Considering Differen... (2)

This workflow classifies the given CSV files with the ART-2a algorithm. The results are visualized in a PDF file. The QSAR dara is loaded from CSV files and merged together by the Merge_QSAR_Vectors worker. Afterwards they are converted into a fingerprint items list which is the suitable data type for the ART-2a algorithm.

Created: 2010-12-13 | Last updated: 2011-07-21


Workflow Loop Repository and Append Data (1)

This process flow loops through all exampleset '.ioo' files in a repository directory and appends their values. It can also be used as a template for batch processing on different repository entries, or for general data appending.

Created: 2010-12-10 | Last updated: 2010-12-10

Workflow Using R to add two columns (1)

This process shows a simple R script which adds two columns of a data set with R. Of course this is much simpler by using the operator "Generate Attributes" which is done in parallel, but maybe some of you find this short process helpful in order to get started with R.

Created: 2010-12-10 | Last updated: 2010-12-10

Workflow ART-2a Classification Result As PDF (2)

This workflow classifies a given CSV file with the ART-2a algorithm. The results are visualized in a PDF file. The QSAR data is loaded from a CSV file and converted into a fingerprint items list which is the suitable data type for the ART-2a algorithm.

Created: 2010-12-09 | Last updated: 2011-07-21

Workflow Curate QSAR descriptor CSV file (2)

This workflow erases descriptor entries which were not calculated. The QSAR data is loaded from a CSV file and afterwards processed by the Curate_QSAR_Vector worker. At the end the curated CSV file is written to hard disk.

Created: 2010-12-09 | Last updated: 2011-07-21

Workflow Merge QSAR descriptor CSV files (3)

This workflow merges QSAR descriptor CSV files into a single CSV file. The workflow loads the CSV files from hard disk and builds a single QSAR descriptor vector. Afterwards the vector is converted in one single CSV file and saved to hard disk.

Created: 2010-12-09 | Last updated: 2011-07-21

Workflow Extract Scientific Terms (2)

This workflow takes in a document containg text and removes and non-ascii characters. The cleaned text is then sent to a service in dresden to extract all scientific terms. These terms represent a profile for the input document. Any null values are also removed.

Created: 2010-12-08 | Last updated: 2011-01-11

Credits: User Paul Fisher

Workflow Pathway to Pubmed (2)

This workflow takes in a list of KEGG pathway descriptions and searches the PubMed database for corresponding articles. Any matches to the pathways are then retrieved (abstracts only). These abstracts are then returned to the user.

Created: 2010-12-08 | Last updated: 2011-01-11

Credits: User Paul Fisher

Workflow Rank Phenotype Terms (2)

This workflow counts the number of articles in the pubmed database in which each term occurs, and identifies the total number of articles in the entire PubMed database. It also identified the total number of articles within pubmed so that a term enrichment score may be calculated. The workflow also takes in a document containing abstracts that are related to a particular phenotype. Scientiifc terms are then extracted from this text and given a weighting according to the number of terms that ...

Created: 2010-12-08 | Last updated: 2011-01-11

Credits: User Paul Fisher

Attributions: Workflow Rank Phenotype Terms

Workflow Cosine vector space (2)

This workflow calculates the cosine vector space between two sets of corpora. The workflow then removes any null values from the output. this is some extra text vbeing added

Created: 2010-12-08 | Last updated: 2011-01-11

Credits: User Paul Fisher

Attributions: Workflow Cosine vector space

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