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Showing 294 results. Use the filters on the left and the search box below to refine the results.

Workflow RCOMM 2012 Sudoku Challenge: 3 - Drop impo... (1)

Process from the live data mining challenge. The task was to partially solve a Sudoku puzzle by solving three subtasks. Processes 1-3 in this pack are the actual solutions to the tasks, process 0 loads the required data into your repository and process 4 is the bonus that solves the entire puzzle. IMPORTANT: Save this process as "RCOMM 2012 Sudoku Challenge: 3 - Drop impossible values (loop)" since it is included from process 4. This process uses process 2 repeatedly to ...

Created: 2012-09-04

Workflow RCOMM 2012 Sudoku Challenge: 4 - Solve Sudoku (1)

Process from the live data mining challenge. The task was to partially solve a Sudoku puzzle by solving three subtasks. Processes 1-3 in this pack are the actual solutions to the tasks, process 0 loads the required data into your repository and process 4 is the bonus that solves the entire puzzle. Finally, this process solves the entire Sudoku. It uses process 3 to add inferred cell values to the set of predefined values. It does so repeatedly until 81 values are defined...

Created: 2012-09-04

Workflow Choosing the best k value for the k-NN cla... (1)

The process determines the best value for the parameter k for the k-NN classification of the Breast Cancer Wisconsin (Diagnostic) data set available in the UCI Machine Learning Repository. The optimal k is computed by using 10-fold cross-validation. (To get better results each cross-validation is repeated 10 times and the averages of the runs are considered.) Finally, a k-NN classifier is built and evaluated on the entire data set using the optimal k. During the process the resulting average ...

Created: 2012-09-28 | Last updated: 2012-09-28


Workflow test (1)

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Created: 2013-02-04


Workflow test1 (1)

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Created: 2013-02-04 | Last updated: 2015-06-12


Workflow Manual pivoting one dimension and two meas... (1)

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Created: 2016-02-11

Avatar Jml

Workflow Store Receipts to structured information (1)

As the title suggests, this process is a tool to transform receipts into a table sheet. The process is made for receipts that are already scanned and processed with an OCR Tool.Input: txt. FilesOutput: table with the following columns: Date, price, category, receipt index, buyer, product description  Roughly speaking this process is divided in the following steps:1.    .txt2exset: In this sub process a receipt.txt file is segmented. Every line represents one example. ...

Created: 2015-02-08 | Last updated: 2015-02-08

Workflow North - Chapter 11 process (1)


Created: 2015-02-11

Workflow MyExperiment (1)

No description

Created: 2015-02-14

Workflow Team 6 (1)

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Created: 2015-03-22

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