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Showing 2916 results. Use the filters on the left and the search box below to refine the results.

Workflow POSTing CSV file to RapidAnalytics Web ser... (1)

This is the first demo used in the RapidAnalytics video on creating Web services. It downloads three data sets provided by and generates a regression model and stores it as "RegressionTree" in the repository.

Created: 2011-11-02

Workflow Ice Class Map pixel analysis (NERSC) (1)

NERSC ice classification workflow. Avaible images for a specific date will be fecthed from the WPS service, and their color table changed to allow for a user to easly identify specific areas. Statistical analysis also run using the r.stats module. Worflow uses a list of image, the list will flow thru the workflow for process resulting in mutiple outputs

Created: 2011-11-02 | Last updated: 2011-11-02

Credits: User Jorgejesus

Workflow date filter for ice Class Map service (NERSC) (1)

Workflow to filter available dates with ice classification images. Service provided by NERCS. Dates are filtered using a simple regular expression

Created: 2011-11-02 | Last updated: 2011-11-04

Credits: User Jorgejesus

Workflow r.stats workflow for pixel statistics (1)

r.stats operation for image. Output will group pixels by: DN, total area, relative %. This worflow is used inside the ice Class exampel as a nested workflow

Created: 2011-11-02 | Last updated: 2011-11-02

Credits: User Jorgejesus

Workflow KNN-FeatureSelection-INCAE (1)

This process adapts one of the templates available in RapidMiner 5 to include some preprocessing.

Created: 2011-10-28

Workflow BLASTP with simplified results returned (1)

Perform a blastp search on protein sequence and extract information based on the user input, e.g. a list of GI numbers.

Created: 2011-10-25 | Last updated: 2011-10-25

Credits: User Halima alshabani

Workflow Get homologous from an NCBI homoloGene.dat... (1)

Get homologous from NCBI homoloGene for a lsit of UniProt protein accession. This workflow is useful if you have a long list of protein accessions. Use PICR to convert UniProt to RefSeq, get homologous from homoloGene and convert RefSeq results to UniProt. Be patient, the workflows has to bring a file around 11Mb.

Created: 2011-10-20 | Last updated: 2011-10-27

Credits: User Rafael C. Jimenez

Workflow De-normalizing Dataset After K-means (1)

K-means is performed on the iris dataset. After finding the clusters, the dataset is de-normalized and the means of the different variables are calculated by cluster.

Created: 2011-10-19 | Last updated: 2011-10-19


Workflow Revisión Sistemática de Software (4)

 Workflow for sistematic software revision.

Created: 2011-10-18 | Last updated: 2011-12-12

Credits: User E3matheus

Workflow KEGG pathway to proteins (2)

Get various information about the proteins in a KEGG pathway. Demonstrates integrating SADI services with non-SADI services.

Created: 2011-10-17 | Last updated: 2011-10-18

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