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Showing 2916 results. Use the filters on the left and the search box below to refine the results.

Workflow Comparison of Birth and Death Rates for a ... (1)

This workflow extracts the relevant data from two spreadsheets, formats the data strings, and puts that data through a REST to Google Charts. Data collected for this project comes from Currently, the workflow supports data from only one country at a time (data from can be filtered and exported directly from the website). Data from the Live births by month and Deaths by month works best with this workflow.

Created: 2011-11-27 | Last updated: 2011-11-27

Credits: User tpacurtis

Workflow FetchandDisplaySpecies (3)

This workflow uses GBIF to search and report species occurrence data and then displays them on Google Earth. An interactive step then allows you to alter the co-ordinates of data displayed.

Created: 2011-11-27 | Last updated: 2011-11-29

Credits: User Alan Williams

Workflow NSF Funds dataset US dollar to Euro curren... (1)

This workflow uses a 2012 Fiscal Year dataset from the National Science Foundation (NSF), a currency conversion web service from WebservicesX.NET and processes data using the workflow tool Taverna.  It converts US dollars from a spreadsheet to Euros.

Created: 2011-11-25 | Last updated: 2011-11-25

Credits: User Trisha Adamus


Workflow Image files comparison using histograms an... (2)

This workflow extracts histogram and profile features from image file applying image processing command line tool. Necessary configuration files are stored on Github ( As a template for creation of image workflows was used xa-toolwrapper project from Sven Schlarb ( This workflow provides WSDL web service that wraps command line tool with tho options ‘extra...

Created: 2011-11-22 | Last updated: 2011-11-23

Credits: User Roman


Workflow Pathways and Gene annotations forQTL region (1)

This workflow searches for genes which reside in a QTL (Quantitative Trait Loci) region in the mouse, Mus musculus. The workflow requires an input of: a chromosome name or number; a QTL start base pair position; QTL end base pair position. Data is then extracted from BioMart to annotate each of the genes found in this region. The Entrez and UniProt identifiers are then sent to KEGG to obtain KEGG gene identifiers. The KEGG gene identifiers are then used to searcg for pathways in the KEGG path...

Created: 2011-11-21 | Last updated: 2011-11-21

Credits: User Prashanth


Workflow Pathways and Gene annotations forQTL region (2)

This workflow searches for genes which reside in a QTL (Quantitative Trait Loci) region in the mouse, Mus musculus. The workflow requires an input of: a chromosome name or number; a QTL start base pair position; QTL end base pair position. Data is then extracted from BioMart to annotate each of the genes found in this region. The Entrez and UniProt identifiers are then sent to KEGG to obtain KEGG gene identifiers. The KEGG gene identifiers are then used to searcg for pathways in the KEGG path...

Created: 2011-11-21 | Last updated: 2011-11-21

Credits: User Prashanth

Workflow Tag Clustering (TaCl) (1)

This is a sample process for a tag clustering. See

Created: 2011-11-17 | Last updated: 2011-11-17

Workflow Compare OCR result of original and BW vers... (1)

 Use the word based edit distance to compare the OCR result of the original and a binarised version of an image

Created: 2011-11-15 | Last updated: 2011-11-15

Credits: User perdalum Network-member IMPACT-myGrid-Hackathon

Attributions: Workflow Calculate edit distance based on words

Workflow Associate a Shock at Earth with Flare and ... (2)

Using start date and end date all shock events at Earth are backpropagated to the Sun. Arround the time all flares (above certain levels) and cmes are assoicated. The possition of the flare and speed of the CME are used to forward propagate the event to Mars.

Created: 2011-11-15 | Last updated: 2012-07-20

Credits: User Anja Le Blanc User David PS

Workflow Connect flare events with proton events on... (4)

This workflow uses flares listed in the goes_sxf_flare list, checks wether this flare is connected to Earth via the Parker spiral, and looks for proton events at earth listed in the goes_proton_event list. The flare listing and the proton listing is combinded into a VOTable output.

Created: 2011-11-15 | Last updated: 2012-05-15

Credits: User Anja Le Blanc

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