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Showing 294 results. Use the filters on the left and the search box below to refine the results.

Workflow POSTing CSV file to RapidAnalytics Web ser... (1)

This is the second demo process used in the RapidAnalytics video on creating Web services. This process is the actual scoring process and used the model generated by the first process. The first input must be a CSV blob in the repository. Once the process is exposed as a Web service in RapidAnalytics, this input will be replaced by the body of the HTTP POST request.

Created: 2011-11-02 | Last updated: 2011-11-02

Workflow RCOMM 2011 Challenge 1: Hobbit Genealogy (1)

This is a solution for Challenge 1 of the a live data mining process design competition "Who Wants to be a Data Miner" held at RCOMM 2011 in Dublin. As you certainly know, Balbo Baggins is the common ancestor of Balbo and Frodo Baggins. The file opened by the operator "Open Ancestor" contains a table with details about parentship in the Baggins family (insert a breakpoint after read CSV). Each example contains a parent and a child. Of course, the same parent can be contai...

Created: 2011-11-02 | Last updated: 2011-11-02

Workflow RCOMM 2011 Challenge 3: RapidDraw (1)

This is a solution for Challenge 3 of the a live data mining process design competition "Who Wants to be a Data Miner" held at RCOMM 2011 in Dublin. The task was to generate a dataset that looks like a spiral when viewed in an appropriate plotter. This process opens a file with three initial data points and subsequently adds more points to the data set in a loop, using macros to extract data values of the predecessors and a "Generate Attributes" operator to add new data points. To view the...

Created: 2011-11-02

Workflow weather (1)

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Created: 2011-12-15

Workflow weather (1)

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Created: 2011-12-15


Workflow Item recommendation collaborative-based wo... (1)

This workflow takes input 2 as a train set for item-k-NN recommender system. The model peformance is evaluated on test set (input 1). This workflow uses recommender system extension. Train and test set must contain user_id and item_id atrributes which need to have special roles user identification and item identification.

Created: 2012-01-09 | Last updated: 2012-01-09


Workflow Item recommendation hybrid-based workflow (1)

This workflow takes input 2 as a train set for recommender systems. We build two item recommendation models: item k-NN (collaborative based) and item attribute k-NN (content based). Item attribute k-NN operator takes additional item attributes from input 3. We combine two models with operator model combiner and test performance on test set (input 1). Train and test set must contain user_id and item_id attributes which need to have special roles user identification and item identification. Th...

Created: 2012-01-19


Workflow Item rating predictions collaborative-based (1)

This workflow takes input 2 as as train set for several item recommendation predictions. We build four different recommendation model which are combined into one model with operator Model Combiner. Then we take input 1 as a test set and apply merged model. Train and test set must contain user_id, item_id and rating attributes which need to have special roles user identification, item identification and label. This workflow uses recommender system extension.

Created: 2012-01-19


Workflow Format_transform_RMonto-RSextension (1)

This workflow provides transformation of an item description attribute set from RMonto operator into a format required by attribute based k-NN operators of the Recommender extension.

Created: 2012-03-26

Workflow MyExperimentTest (1)

No description

Created: 2013-03-20

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