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Showing 294 results. Use the filters on the left and the search box below to refine the results.

Workflow Setting an attribute value in a specific E... (1)

This process will first generate an artificial dataset and tag it with ids. Then a Filter Examples Operator is used to get a dataset with exactly one example identified by it's id. Then a value is set in this example. Since the change in the data will be reflected in all views of the example set, a simply copy is passed by to the process' output. If you take a look at the attributes of the example with id 5, you will find the 12 there.

Created: 2010-05-14

Workflow Pivoting (1)

This process shows the basics of Pivoting. A data set with three columns is loaded and partially generated. Afterwards, the data is rotated and missings are replaced by zero.

Created: 2010-05-15

Workflow Convert Nominal to Binominal to Numerical (1)

This is a standard preprocessing subprocess taking nominal (categorical) attributes and introduces binominal dummy attributes before those are transformed to numerical which can be then used by learning schemes like SVM or Logistic Regression.

Created: 2010-05-15

Workflow Discard Attribute with More than x% Missin... (1)

This process loops over all attributes and calculates the fraction of missings for each attribute. If this fration is larger than the fraction defined in the first "Set Macro" operator (macro: max_unknown), the attribute will be removed from the example set.

Created: 2010-05-15

Workflow Write/Store Correlation Matrix to an Excel... (1)

This process demonstrates how to write/store/export the correlation matrix of the "Correlation Matrix" operator to an Excel file. One need to generate a Report with the "Generate Report" operator and export the Report to an Excel file.

Created: 2010-05-19

Workflow Apply Same Preprocessing to Learning and V... (1)

This process demonstrates how to apply the same prepossessing work flow to learning data and test/validation data. Due to overview reasons the preprocessing is hidden in a Preprocessing subprocess. To perform the same preprocessing work flow on the learning and testing data, both are collected to a Collection of Data. Then the "Loop Collection" operator loops over each collection. The actual preprocessing is done inside the "Loop Collection" operator. In the example only a "Rename" is done...

Created: 2010-05-19

Workflow Filter Wrong Predicted/Classified Samples (1)

This process demonstrates how to filter validation samples which are predicted incorrectly. Thee key operator is "Filter Examples" that is set up to "wrong_predictions"

Created: 2010-05-19 | Last updated: 2010-06-08

Workflow Exclude a Attribute/Variable (1)

This simple process demonstrates how to exclude a attribute or set of attributes from an example set/data set. In particular the first "Select Attributes" filter excludes the Outlook attribute. The second filter excludes subset {Outlook, Humidity}.

Created: 2010-05-20


Workflow Missing value count (1)

This workflow enables users to filter examples by the number of missing values they contains; it inserts the numeric attribute 'Missings' - representing, for each example, the count of attributes with missing values.

Created: 2010-05-27 | Last updated: 2010-07-13

Workflow Linear Regression of Italian bookshops se... (1)

Someone could help me? Why the correlation between the actual value and the predictive value of the attribute "Quantita" is so low?

Created: 2010-05-28

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