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Workflow Transform XML with parameters (1)

Similar to Transform_XML local widget but accepts transformation parameters and skips the part with writing to the output file. The essence, i.e. Transform_XML beanshell works with Strings representing file contents, not with file URLs. The XML transfomation parameters are given as a list of strings in the "param_name = param_value" format.

Created: 2010-11-29 | Last updated: 2010-11-29

Credits: User trybik

Workflow R integer vector example (1)

This workflow takes a list of integer values and returns a list containing 100 modulus the list's elements, and the sum of the input list's elements.

Created: 2010-11-29 | Last updated: 2010-11-29

Credits: User Alan Williams

Workflow R integer workflow (1)

This workflow uses an Rshell service to calculate 100 modulus the integer input

Created: 2010-11-29

Credits: User Alan Williams

Workflow R string vector example (1)

The workflow takes a list of strings and outputs a list contains the lower-cased versions of the input elements, and also a concatenation of the input elements

Created: 2010-11-26 | Last updated: 2010-11-26

Credits: User Alan Williams

Workflow R integer vector example (1)

This workflow takes a list of integer values and returns a list containing the square of the input list's elements, and the sum of the input list's elements.

Created: 2010-11-26 | Last updated: 2010-11-26

Credits: User Alan Williams

Workflow R logical vector workflow (1)

The workflow returns a list containing the logical inversion of the logical vector input

Created: 2010-11-26 | Last updated: 2010-11-26

Credits: User Alan Williams

Workflow R string workflow (1)

This workflow determines the lower case version of the input string.

Created: 2010-11-26 | Last updated: 2010-11-26

Credits: User Alan Williams

Workflow R numeric workflow (1)

This workflow uses an Rshell service to calculate the square of a numeric inputThis workflow uses an

Created: 2010-11-26

Credits: User Alan Williams

Workflow R logical workflow (1)

Checks what the logical_input is in R. For an logical_input of TRUE - is_false should be FALSE and is_true TRUE FALSE - is_false should be TRUE and is_true FALSE For any other input values, is_false and is_true should both be NA

Created: 2010-11-26 | Last updated: 2010-11-26

Credits: User Alan Williams

Workflow KEGG pathways common to both QTL and micro... (1)

This workflow takes in two lists of KEGG pathway ids. These are designed to come from pathways found from genes in a QTL (Quantitative Trait Loci) region, and from pathways found from genes differentially expressed in a microarray study. By identifying the intersecting pathways from both studies, a more informative picture is obtained of the candidate processes involved in the expression of a phenotype

Created: 2010-11-15 | Last updated: 2010-11-15

Credits: User Paul Fisher

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