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Showing 2 results. Use the filters on the left and the search box below to refine the results.
Type: Taverna 2 Tag: search User: Francois Belleau Licence: by-sa Wsdl: or or or

Workflow What is [query] from NCBI, EBI, UniProt an... (2)

test values: query = paget disease query = pdb4 query = hk1 query = h1n1 This rdfiser query those four federated search services EB-Eye, KEGG LinkDB, NCBI Entrez and UniProt knowledgebase. RDF triples are returned for search statistics with Bio2RDF normalised URIs. This workflow should be used responsibly because it can generate high load at the provider resources. test values: query = paget disease query = pdb4 query = hk1 query = h1n1 query = paget disease query = pdb4 query = hk1 que...

Created: 2009-11-03 | Last updated: 2009-11-03

Credits: User Francois Belleau

Workflow Triplify search results from KEGG bfind SO... (3)

This workflow use KEGG's SOAP service provided to do a BFIND serch within one of the KEGG's official database. The results are returned in RDF ntriples format. 

Created: 2009-11-30 | Last updated: 2009-11-30

Credits: User Francois Belleau

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