Make 28 CPUh load on the Grid
Created: 2008-11-25 14:13:43
Last updated: 2008-12-17 14:25:59
This workflow makes 28 CPU hours load on a Grid. Therefore it calls 100 times (represented by 100 input tokens) the program "makeload", which makes 1000 Seconds load each. The processing is done recurrent, so you can use this workflow to benchmark the speedup of your Grid environment, or just to heat up your computer center...
This workflow also serves as an example of a typical parameter study modeled with GWorkflowDL.
Of cause this workflow can only be invoked with a X509 certificate (Grid proxy) which is valid in the target Computing Grid. We do not want everybody to heat up our computer center:-)
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Hello Andreas. Looking through various resources here on this site I found your workflows. Then I spotted a typo in the description of this one ("Of cause" -> "Of course" ?). Then I thought - well, perhaps it's a good opportunity to test if myExperiment is really that open - so I entered here and I tried to find an "edit" button to correct the typo.
Well, as you see I haven't found any so you need to correct it yourself ;).