Author Publications and Citations by Year with REST

Created: 2016-05-09 08:56:51      Last updated: 2016-05-09 11:32:53

This small workflow demonstrates how to connect to and use Europe PMC ( to count the number of publications and citations per year for one author. Two REST calls are made. First, we searchPublications to retrieve the bibliographic records for all published work of a single author. Then, we getCitations to extract the year of all articles citing the work of this author. A conditional XPath is here used to only look up citing articles for cited work, i.e. records with result[citedByCount>0]. The pubYear fields is extracted from the raw Web Service results and fed to an Rshell that produces two histograms as output, one for publications and one for citations, very similar to the "Citation Report" in the Thomson Reuters Web of Science. This is a REST equivalent of the SOAP workflow

It is possible to add output splitters for both Web service calls. This adds two components in the workflow, but simplifies the XPath expressions.

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