ASTM D0427-04 - Preliminary Workflow

Created: 2016-04-25 02:09:05

ASTM D0427-04: Standard Test Method for Shrinkage Factors of Soils by the Mercury Method

This a preliminary version of a ASTM D0427 Workflow. This seems like a complex workflow but it does not. A lot of services is because I'm using a basic calculator web service to do simple a math calculations ( This simple web service calc use only two operands to do calc in four basic operations (add, divide, multiply and substract). So it's needed intermediate calculations to complete ASTM D0427-04 formulas values.

Note: Web service divide operation only works for integer values. This is a test of workflow composition using input values as 'Ask' services and simple calc web service to do math.


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Workflow Other workflows that use similar services (1)

Workflow WSDL Calculator (1)

Utiliza uma calculadora com métodos disponíveis via WSDL para somar dois números.

Created: 2017-10-10

Credits: User Johnathan Melo Neto