Corrientes superficiales en la Bahía de Bergantín (Estado Anzoátegui, Venezuela)
A set of measurements of sea surface currents obtained by the Instituto Oceanográfico de
Venezuela in Bergantín Bay during various months in 1989 are re-analysed with new approaches.
In particular the source of the current records is described and their likely connection
with forcing agents is analysed. The following results are found. 1) Contrary to the longstanding
belief that Bergantín Bay is the main source of pollution of Pozuelos Bay (owing to the
oil related activities that take place there), it is shown that the opposite effect may occur under
conditions of weak winds and flood tides; i.e., surface water in Pozuelos Bay within a range of
about 3 kmhas the potential to enter into Bergantín Bay. 2) Spectral analysis of the wind signal
showed that winds from the NE with periods of 6, 12 and 24 hours are the most energetic. The
occurrence of these events in coincidence with tidal quarter-, semi- and diurnal components
represents a high risk factor for oil tanker operations in both Bergantín Bay and Pozuelos Bay.
Of particular interest was the description of the dynamic, both of the sea surface current and
the wind during September, at which time the wind field showed a reversal of direction, blowing
mainly from the south. This reversal creates a dramatic change in the local surface circulation,
allowing sea surface waters from Pozuelos Bay to penetrate into Bergantín Bay for periods
longer that 46 hours. It is concluded that it is of primary importance to establish as a primary
goal the observation of the variable water exchange between Bergantín Bay and its neighbouring
waters (by mean of the sampling of synoptic records of wind, sea surface levels and currents).
Such measurements will help our national oil industry to improve the quality of the existent
plans to control oils spills in the area.
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