
Created: 2015-11-16 16:38:46      Last updated: 2015-12-02 15:19:34

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Workflow Other workflows that use similar services (15)

Only the first 2 workflows that use similar services are shown. View all workflows that use these services.

Workflow Online PubMed author search and geographic... (2)

This workflow retrieves bibliographic data for a single author using the PMC Europe RESTful Web service and visualizes the geographic distribution of this author's and their co-authors' geographic distribution using the rworldmap package. This is version 2.0 of this workflow, incorporating changes to the Web service allowing up to 1,000 records to be retrieved at once, using the pageSize parameter.

Created: 2015-08-19 | Last updated: 2015-09-07

Credits: User Magnus Palmblad User Arzu Tugce Guler

Workflow Get article titles from Europe PMC for sin... (2)

This small workflow demonstrates how to connect to the new (August 2015) version of Europe PMC ( Changes from previous versions include the addition of a pageSize parameter, allowing the client to request up to 1,000 records at once. If this would still not be sufficient, the offSet paremeter can be used to retrieve data in chunks of 1,000 records and the Flatten List service used to concatenate the results.

Created: 2015-09-07 | Last updated: 2015-09-10

Credits: User Magnus Palmblad