Retrieving information from HST ConeSearch and Image VO Services
Created: 2013-04-12 17:18:58
This workflow retieves information from Hubble Space Telescope VO Services in the form of VOTables. The input of the workflow is an ASCII file with a list of source names. This file is converted to a VOTable, and coordinates added with an extra-column needed to query SIAP Image service. The final result are two different VOTables issued as the response of both VO Services, Images VOTable has been previously filtered.
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Workflow Components
Authors (1)
Titles (1)
Retrieving information from HST ConeSearch and Image VO Services |
Descriptions (1)
This workflow retieves information from Hubble Space Telescope VO Services in the form of VOTables. The input of the workflow is an ASCII file with a list of source names. This file is converted to a VOTable, and coordinates added with an extra-column needed to query SIAP Image service. The final result are two different VOTables issued as the response of both VO Services, Images VOTable has been previously filtered. |
Dependencies (0)
Inputs (1)
Name |
Description |
SourceNames |
List of Source Names
Processors (24)
Name |
Type |
Description |
Format_conversion_for_tables |
tpipe |
formatTableIn_value |
stringconstant |
Valueascii |
formatTableOut_value |
stringconstant |
Valuevotable |
Coordinates_resolver |
tpipe |
nameDEC_value |
stringconstant |
ValueDEC |
nameRA_value |
stringconstant |
ValueRA |
objectName_value |
stringconstant |
Valuecol1 |
Add_Column |
tpipe |
stringconstant |
ValuePOS_SIA |
expression_value |
stringconstant |
ValuetoString($2)+", "+toString($3) |
Select_columns_from_VOTable_into_a_list |
voutils |
POS_SIA_Column |
stringconstant |
ValuePOS_SIA |
Extract_RAColumn |
voutils |
RA_Column |
stringconstant |
ValueRA |
Extract_DECColumn |
voutils |
DEC_Column |
stringconstant |
ValueDEC |
SR_value |
stringconstant |
Value0.1 |
rest |
SIZE_value |
stringconstant |
Value0.01 |
rest |
Concat_HST_Tables |
tcat |
Concat_HLA_Tables |
tcat |
Select_rows_from_VOTable |
tpipe |
filter_value |
stringconstant |
Value$21<3000 |
Outputs (2)
Name |
Description |
ConeSearchServiceResponse |
SIAPServiceResponse |
Datalinks (27)
Source |
Sink |
SourceNames |
Format_conversion_for_tables:voTable |
formatTableIn_value:value |
Format_conversion_for_tables:formatTableIn |
formatTableOut_value:value |
Format_conversion_for_tables:formatTableOut |
Format_conversion_for_tables:outputTable |
Coordinates_resolver:voTable |
nameDEC_value:value |
Coordinates_resolver:nameDEC |
nameRA_value:value |
Coordinates_resolver:nameRA |
objectName_value:value |
Coordinates_resolver:objectName |
Coordinates_resolver:outputTable |
Add_Column:voTable |
POS_SIA:value |
Add_Column:nameNewCol |
expression_value:value |
Add_Column:expression |
Add_Column:outputTable |
Select_columns_from_VOTable_into_a_list:voTable |
POS_SIA_Column:value |
Select_columns_from_VOTable_into_a_list:ColumnName |
Add_Column:outputTable |
Extract_RAColumn:voTable |
RA_Column:value |
Extract_RAColumn:ColumnName |
Add_Column:outputTable |
Extract_DECColumn:voTable |
DEC_Column:value |
Extract_DECColumn:ColumnName |
Select_columns_from_VOTable_into_a_list:list |
SIZE_value:value |
Extract_DECColumn:list |
Extract_RAColumn:list |
SR_value:value |
HST:responseBody |
Concat_HST_Tables:votableList |
HLA:responseBody |
Concat_HLA_Tables:votableList |
Concat_HLA_Tables:outputFileOut |
Select_rows_from_VOTable:voTable |
filter_value:value |
Select_rows_from_VOTable:filter |
Concat_HST_Tables:outputFileOut |
ConeSearchServiceResponse |
Select_rows_from_VOTable:outputTable |
SIAPServiceResponse |
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