Extract SDSS field information and PSF
This workflow gathers information needed by the execution of Sextractor, Galfit and Ellipse, from the SDSS VO service. It receives two inputs:
1) An ascii table with information about the image such as data of the field, name of the fits file or if it is barred or not. 2) A configuration file with the paths where the files needed by the workflow can be found and other paths where to store the files generated by the workflow
This workflow extracts the band from the image header, and the information about the field (kk, saturation, aa, airmass, gain) from the SDSS DR7 drfield VO service.Then it downloads the psfield file into the path provided by the configuration file, and it runs the program "read_psf" in order to build the psf file corresponding with the specific band of the image.
The output of this workflow is made up of 13 lists:
- Filenames: Paths where store files that are going to be generated (i.e. the output file of Sextractor) - psf: Paths where the psf files have been stored. - Band: List of bands correspondig to the image - nx and ny: NAXIS1 and NAXIS2 - kk : List of extinction coefficient values - saturation: List of saturation level values - aa: List of zero-point values - airmass: List of airmass values - gain: List of Gain Averaged over Amplifiers values - ra,dec: List of coordinates - Bar: list of 1/0 indicating if the image of the corresponding row is barred or not
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Workflow Components
![header=[] body=[This is the author information extracted from the workflow version] cssheader=[boxoverTooltipHeader] cssbody=[boxoverTooltipBody] delay=[200] Information](/images/famfamfam_silk/information.png?1680607579)
Susana Sánchez |
![header=[] body=[These are the descriptive titles embedded within the workflow version] cssheader=[boxoverTooltipHeader] cssbody=[boxoverTooltipBody] delay=[200] Information](/images/famfamfam_silk/information.png?1680607579)
Extract SDSS field information and PSF |
![header=[] body=[These are the descriptions embedded within the workflow version] cssheader=[boxoverTooltipHeader] cssbody=[boxoverTooltipBody] delay=[200] Information](/images/famfamfam_silk/information.png?1680607579)
This workflow gathers information needed by the execution of Sextractor, Galfit and Ellipse, from the SDSS VO service. It receives two inputs: 1) An ascii table with information about the image such as data of the field, name of the fits file or if it is barred or not. 2) A configuration file with the paths where the files needed by the workflow can be found and other paths where to store the files generated by the workflow This workflow extracts the band from the image header, and the information about the field (kk, saturation, aa, airmass, gain) from the SDSS DR7 drfield VO service.Then it downloads the psfield file into the path provided by the configuration file, and it runs the program "read_psf" in order to build the psf file corresponding with the specific band of the image. The output of this workflow is made up of 13 lists: - Filenames: Paths where store files that are going to be generated (i.e. the output file of Sextractor) - psf: Paths where the psf files have been stored. - Band: List of bands correspondig to the image - nx and ny: NAXIS1 and NAXIS2 - kk : List of extinction coefficient values - saturation: List of saturation level values - aa: List of zero-point values - airmass: List of airmass values - gain: List of Gain Averaged over Amplifiers values - ra,dec: List of coordinates - Bar: list of 1/0 indicating if the image of the corresponding row is barred or not |
![header=[] body=[These are the listed dependencies of the workflow] cssheader=[boxoverTooltipHeader] cssbody=[boxoverTooltipBody] delay=[200] Information](/images/famfamfam_silk/information.png?1680607579)
Name | Description |
input_table | ASCII table with following 10 columns - RA, DEC: Coordinates of the image. - RUN, RERUN CAMCOL, FIELD: Info about the field of the image - PATH_IMAGE: Filename to the fits image file - BARRED: This column will contain a 0 if the galaxy has no contain a bar and a 1 otherwise - PATH_PSFIELD: Filename of the the psfield file that will be downloaded - PATH_PSF: Filenamen of the psf file that will be generated |
config_preprocessing | ASCII file with the paths where the files needed by the RO workflows are stored, and also the paths where the files generated by the execution of these RO workflows will be stored - Absolute path of the RO folder - Relative path to RO folder where the image fits files are stored - Relative path to RO folder where the files generated by this workflow will be stored - Relative path to RO folder where the files generated by sextractor will be stored - Relative path to RO folder where the files generated by ellipse will be stored - Relative path to RO folder where the files generated by galfit will be stored - Relative path to RO folder where the plots will be stored - Relative path to RO folder where the configuration file for sextractor is stored |
Name | Type | Description |
extract_info | beanshell |
This module parses the text in the "input_table" input to extract the information needed by the rest of workflow ScriptRA_COLUMN = 0; DEC_COLUMN = 1; RUN_COLUMN = 2; RERUN_COLUMN = 3; CAMCOL_COLUMN = 4; FIELD_COLUMN = 5; IMAGENAME_COLUMN = 6; BARRED_COLUMN = 7; PSFIELD_COLUMN = 8; PSF_COLUMN = 9; DECs = new ArrayList(); RAs = new ArrayList(); RUNs = new ArrayList(); RERUNs = new ArrayList(); CAMCOLs = new ArrayList(); FIELDs = new ArrayList(); IMAGENAMEs = new ArrayList(); BARREDs = new ArrayList(); PSFIELDs = new ArrayList(); PSFs = new ArrayList(); for (line : lines.split("\n")) { split = line.split("\\s"); DECs.add(split[DEC_COLUMN]); RAs.add(split[RA_COLUMN]); RUNs.add(split[RUN_COLUMN]); RERUNs.add(split[RERUN_COLUMN]); CAMCOLs.add(split[CAMCOL_COLUMN]); FIELDs.add(split[FIELD_COLUMN]); IMAGENAMEs.add(split[IMAGENAME_COLUMN]); BARREDs.add(split[BARRED_COLUMN]); PSFIELDs.add(split[PSFIELD_COLUMN]); PSFs.add(split[PSF_COLUMN]); } |
SDSS_DR7 | rest | |
SR_value | stringconstant |
Value1 |
extract_header_band | externaltool | This module reads the fits header of the image to extract the band. |
extract_filters_for_rows | externaltool | This module builds the string with the proper filter to select the row corresponding to the image in the SDSS table |
extract_filters_for_columns | externaltool | This module builds the string with the proper filter to select some properties (aa, airmass, gain, kk, saturation) from the SDSS table |
Select_Rows | tpipe | |
Select_saturation | tpipe | |
download_psfield | externaltool | This module gets the values of CAMCOL, FIELD, RUN, RERUN to build the url from which download the psfield file. http://das.sdss.org/imaging/<RUN>/<RERUN>/objcs/<CAMCOL>/psField-<RUN>-<CAMCOL>-<FIELD>.fit |
read_psfield | externaltool | This module runs the READ_PSF application, which uses the psfield file to create the PSF file |
Select_kk | tpipe | |
Select_gain | tpipe | |
Select_airmass | tpipe | |
Select_aa | tpipe | |
change_columnTitle_aa | beanshell |
The SDSS service returns a VOTable in which the column title depends on the band, ie: <property>_<band>.
This module changes the column title of the VOTable to get the same title independently of the band, ie: <property>. In this way the module "Cat_n-tables" will be able to concat the list of values in a VOTable Scriptvotable=lines.replaceAll("aa_[grizu]", "aa"); |
Cat_n-tables | tcat | |
change_columnTitle_airmass | beanshell |
The SDSS service returns a VOTable in which the column title depends on the band, ie: <property>_<band>.
This module changes the column title of the VOTable to get the same title independently of the band, ie: <property>. In this way the module "Cat_n-tables" will be able to concat the list of values in a VOTable Scriptvotable=lines.replaceAll("airmass_[grizu]", "airmass"); |
change_columnTitle_gain | beanshell |
The SDSS service returns a VOTable in which the column title depends on the band, ie: <property>_<band>.
This module changes the column title of the VOTable to get the same title independently of the band, ie: <property>. In this way the module "Cat_n-tables" will be able to concat the list of values in a VOTable Scriptvotable=lines.replaceAll("gain_[grizu]", "gain"); |
change_columnTitle_kk | beanshell |
The SDSS service returns a VOTable in which the column title depends on the band, ie: <property>_<band>.
This module changes the column title of the VOTable to get the same title independently of the band, ie: <property>. In this way the module "Cat_n-tables" will be able to concat the list of values in a VOTable Scriptvotable=lines.replaceAll("kk_[grizu]", "kk"); |
change_columnTitle_satur | beanshell |
The SDSS service returns a VOTable in which the column title depends on the band, ie: <property>_<band>.
This module changes the column title of the VOTable to get the same title independently of the band, ie: <property>. In this way the module "Cat_n-tables" will be able to concat the list of values in a VOTable Scriptvotable=lines.replaceAll("saturationlevel_[grizu]", "satur_level"); |
VOcolumn_BAND | workflow | This workflow converts a list of values into a VO table with only one column. It receives two inputs: the list of values and the header name of the column to be built. |
band | stringconstant |
Value#band |
VOcolumn_PATHFILES | workflow | This workflow converts a list of values into a VO table with only one column. It receives two inputs: the list of values and the header name of the column to be built. |
pathfiles | stringconstant |
Value#image cat sex sexparam checkimage_name galfit galfit_exp galfit2nd galfitgal model ellip_tab ellip_resultheader ellip_resultdata ellip_tab2 ellip_resultheader2 ellip_resultdata2 ellip_script1 ellip_script2 ellip_plot |
VOcolumn_PSF | workflow | This workflow converts a list of values into a VO table with only one column. It receives two inputs: the list of values and the header name of the column to be built. |
psf | stringconstant |
Value#psf |
Cat_n-tables_2 | tcat | |
Cat_n-tables_3 | tcat | |
Cat_n-tables_4 | tcat | |
Cat_n-tables_5 | tcat | |
VOcolumn_RA | workflow | This workflow converts a list of values into a VO table with only one column. It receives two inputs: the list of values and the header name of the column to be built. |
ra | stringconstant |
Value#ra |
VOcolumn_DEC | workflow | This workflow converts a list of values into a VO table with only one column. It receives two inputs: the list of values and the header name of the column to be built. |
dec | stringconstant |
Value#dec |
VOcolumn_NX | workflow | This workflow converts a list of values into a VO table with only one column. It receives two inputs: the list of values and the header name of the column to be built. |
nx | stringconstant |
Value#nx |
VOcolumn_NY | workflow | This workflow converts a list of values into a VO table with only one column. It receives two inputs: the list of values and the header name of the column to be built. |
headerName_value | stringconstant |
Value#ny |
VOcolumn_BAR | workflow | This workflow converts a list of values into a VO table with only one column. It receives two inputs: the list of values and the header name of the column to be built. |
bar | stringconstant |
Value#bar |
get_paths | externaltool | This module parses the text of the "config_preprocessing" input to extract the paths and namefiles needed by the rest of the workflow |
create_filenames | externaltool | This module builds a list with the absolute path of the files needed by the RO workflows |
Name | Description | Inputs | Outputs |
extract_info | This module parses the text in the "input_table" input to extract the information needed by the rest of workflow | lines |
change_columnTitle_aa | The SDSS service returns a VOTable in which the column title depends on the band, ie: <property>_<band>. This module changes the column title of the VOTable to get the same title independently of the band, ie: <property>. In this way the module "Cat_n-tables" will be able to concat the list of values in a VOTable | lines | votable |
change_columnTitle_airmass | The SDSS service returns a VOTable in which the column title depends on the band, ie: <property>_<band>. This module changes the column title of the VOTable to get the same title independently of the band, ie: <property>. In this way the module "Cat_n-tables" will be able to concat the list of values in a VOTable | lines | votable |
change_columnTitle_gain | The SDSS service returns a VOTable in which the column title depends on the band, ie: <property>_<band>. This module changes the column title of the VOTable to get the same title independently of the band, ie: <property>. In this way the module "Cat_n-tables" will be able to concat the list of values in a VOTable | lines | votable |
change_columnTitle_kk | The SDSS service returns a VOTable in which the column title depends on the band, ie: <property>_<band>. This module changes the column title of the VOTable to get the same title independently of the band, ie: <property>. In this way the module "Cat_n-tables" will be able to concat the list of values in a VOTable | lines | votable |
change_columnTitle_satur | The SDSS service returns a VOTable in which the column title depends on the band, ie: <property>_<band>. This module changes the column title of the VOTable to get the same title independently of the band, ie: <property>. In this way the module "Cat_n-tables" will be able to concat the list of values in a VOTable | lines | votable |
Name | Description |
aa | VOtable with the value list of aa (Zero-point extracted from SDSS). |
band | VOtable with the list of characters (g,r,i,u,z) indicating the band of imaga of this specific row |
filenames | VOTable with the list of paths needed to execute Sextractor, Galfit and Ellipse |
psf | VOTable with the list of psf file paths |
airmass | VOtable with the value list of airmass (from SDSS). |
gain | VOTable with the value list of Gain Averaged over Amplifiers (from SDSS) |
kk | VOtable with the value list of kk (Extinction coefficient extracted from SDSS). |
saturation | VOTable with the value list of saturation level (from SDSS) |
ra | VOTable with the list of Right Ascension coordinates |
dec | VOTable with the list of Declination coordinate. |
nx | VOtable with the value list of NAXIS1 |
ny | VOTable with the value list of NAXIS2 |
bar | VOTable with a list of 1s or 0s, indicanting if the galaxy of the corresponding row is barred or not |
Source | Sink |
input_table | extract_info:lines |
extract_info:RAs | SDSS_DR7:RA |
extract_info:DECs | SDSS_DR7:DEC |
SR_value:value | SDSS_DR7:SR |
extract_info:IMAGENAMEs | extract_header_band:imagename |
get_paths:images_path | extract_header_band:image_path |
get_paths:ro_path | extract_header_band:ro_path |
extract_info:CAMCOLs | extract_filters_for_rows:camcol |
extract_info:FIELDs | extract_filters_for_rows:field |
extract_info:RERUNs | extract_filters_for_rows:rerun |
extract_info:RUNs | extract_filters_for_rows:run |
extract_header_band:band | extract_filters_for_columns:band |
SDSS_DR7:responseBody | Select_Rows:voTable |
extract_filters_for_rows:filter_rows | Select_Rows:filter |
Select_Rows:outputTable | Select_saturation:voTable |
extract_filters_for_columns:saturation_filter | Select_saturation:filter |
extract_info:CAMCOLs | download_psfield:camcol |
extract_info:FIELDs | download_psfield:field |
extract_info:RERUNs | download_psfield:rerun |
extract_info:RUNs | download_psfield:run |
extract_info:PSFIELDs | download_psfield:name_psfield |
get_paths:preprocessing_path | download_psfield:path_psfield |
get_paths:ro_path | download_psfield:path_ro |
extract_header_band:band | read_psfield:band |
extract_info:PSFs | read_psfield:name_psf_fits |
get_paths:preprocessing_path | read_psfield:path_psf_fits |
download_psfield:pathfile_psfield | read_psfield:pathfile_psfield |
get_paths:ro_path | read_psfield:path_ro |
extract_filters_for_columns:kk_filter | Select_kk:filter |
Select_Rows:outputTable | Select_kk:voTable |
extract_filters_for_columns:gain_filter | Select_gain:filter |
Select_Rows:outputTable | Select_gain:voTable |
extract_filters_for_columns:airmass_filter | Select_airmass:filter |
Select_Rows:outputTable | Select_airmass:voTable |
extract_filters_for_columns:aa_filter | Select_aa:filter |
Select_Rows:outputTable | Select_aa:voTable |
Select_aa:outputTable | change_columnTitle_aa:lines |
change_columnTitle_aa:votable | Cat_n-tables:votableList |
Select_airmass:outputTable | change_columnTitle_airmass:lines |
Select_gain:outputTable | change_columnTitle_gain:lines |
Select_kk:outputTable | change_columnTitle_kk:lines |
Select_saturation:outputTable | change_columnTitle_satur:lines |
extract_header_band:band | VOcolumn_BAND:stringList |
band:value | VOcolumn_BAND:headerName |
pathfiles:value | VOcolumn_PATHFILES:headerName |
create_filenames:filenames | VOcolumn_PATHFILES:stringList |
read_psfield:pathfile_psf | VOcolumn_PSF:stringList |
psf:value | VOcolumn_PSF:headerName |
change_columnTitle_airmass:votable | Cat_n-tables_2:votableList |
change_columnTitle_gain:votable | Cat_n-tables_3:votableList |
change_columnTitle_kk:votable | Cat_n-tables_4:votableList |
change_columnTitle_satur:votable | Cat_n-tables_5:votableList |
ra:value | VOcolumn_RA:headerName |
extract_info:RAs | VOcolumn_RA:stringList |
dec:value | VOcolumn_DEC:headerName |
extract_info:DECs | VOcolumn_DEC:stringList |
nx:value | VOcolumn_NX:headerName |
extract_header_band:nx | VOcolumn_NX:stringList |
headerName_value:value | VOcolumn_NY:headerName |
extract_header_band:ny | VOcolumn_NY:stringList |
extract_info:BARREDs | VOcolumn_BAR:stringList |
bar:value | VOcolumn_BAR:headerName |
config_preprocessing | get_paths:config_preprocesing |
get_paths:ellipse_path | create_filenames:ellipse_path |
get_paths:galfit_path | create_filenames:galfit_path |
get_paths:sextractor_path | create_filenames:sextractor_path |
get_paths:sexconfig_path | create_filenames:sexconfig_path |
get_paths:ro_path | create_filenames:ro_path |
get_paths:plot_path | create_filenames:plot_path |
extract_info:IMAGENAMEs | create_filenames:image_name |
get_paths:images_path | create_filenames:image_path |
Cat_n-tables:outputFileOut | aa |
VOcolumn_BAND:votable | band |
VOcolumn_PATHFILES:votable | filenames |
VOcolumn_PSF:votable | psf |
Cat_n-tables_2:outputFileOut | airmass |
Cat_n-tables_3:outputFileOut | gain |
Cat_n-tables_4:outputFileOut | kk |
Cat_n-tables_5:outputFileOut | saturation |
VOcolumn_RA:votable | ra |
VOcolumn_DEC:votable | dec |
VOcolumn_NX:votable | nx |
VOcolumn_NY:votable | ny |
VOcolumn_BAR:votable | bar |
Workflow Type
Version 5 (latest)
(of 5)
Shared with Groups (0)
In chronological order:
Created by Susana on Monday 30 July 2012 18:19:42 (UTC)
Last edited by Susana on Monday 13 August 2012 07:42:50 (UTC)
Revision comment:In this revision the workflow returns a votable with the columns needed by sextractor and it modify the headers of the image fits file, adding the header items needed (GAIN and NCOMBINE)
Created by Susana on Tuesday 14 August 2012 12:48:54 (UTC)
Created by Susana on Friday 07 September 2012 10:21:26 (UTC)
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