Secure Web service call example

Created: 2012-04-05 16:55:34      Last updated: 2013-06-11 13:10:10

This is an example of a workflow that contains a call to a secure Web service that runs behind HTTPS and requires user to authenticate. The first thing you can expect to see is a pop up dialog asking if you trust the Web service to be invoked over HTTPS. You can use testuser/testpasswd as username and password for authentication when running the workflow. To see where the security is being configured, right-click the service in the diagram and select "Configure security" from the menu.

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Workflow WS-Security + HTTPS example workflow (1)

This workflow shows an example access to various secure Web services protected by WS-Security authentication. Use testuser/testpasswd whenever prompted for username and password. Check for more details about the secure services used in the workflow.

Created: 2010-12-03 | Last updated: 2010-12-03

Credits: User Alex Nenadic

Workflow Secure Web service call example (1)

This is an example of a workflow that contains a call to a secure Web service that runs behind HTTPS and requires user to authenticate. The first thing you can expect to see is a pop up dialog asking if you trust the Web service to be invoked over HTTPS. You can use testuser/testpasswd as username and password for authentication when running the workflow. To see where the security is being configured, right-click the service in the diagram and select "Configure security" from the menu.

Created: 2011-07-14 | Last updated: 2011-07-14

Credits: User Alex Nenadic