Fdist2 Simulation Pipeline Workflow
Fdist2 is a simulation program to detect loci that might be under selection in samples from structured populations.
Workflow Usage & Specifications
The workflow reads an input file "fdist_params2.dat", which consists of 6 lines. This file must only contain numbers in the format described: Total number of demes (100 max). No of populations sampled (must be less than or equal to total number of demes). Expected Fst for infinite allele, infinite island model. Sample size (assumed the same in all populations) Indicator - 1 for stepwise mutations; 0 for infinite alleles No of realizations (loci)
The program takes around 10 minutes to carry out 20,000 realizations with the parameter file here on a 500Mhz Pentium. It is recommended that users run more realizations than suggested for the original fdist, now that the method of varying heterozygosity has been changed - do a minimum of 20,000. The more points you do the smoother the contours become.
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Workflow Components
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Other workflows that use similar services
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