Sample IMPACT hackathon workflow
Created: 2011-11-14 16:12:10
Last updated: 2012-06-19 10:28:42
Workflow that implements the Use Case for Group 2 at the IMPACT/Taverna hackathon.
What it does is to take the URL of a TIFF image and compute the Levenshtein difference between the OCR output of the uncompressed version with various ones compressed at various bit rates.
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Workflow Components
![header=[] body=[This is the author information extracted from the workflow version] cssheader=[boxoverTooltipHeader] cssbody=[boxoverTooltipBody] delay=[200] Information](/images/famfamfam_silk/information.png?1680607579)
Authors (1)
![header=[] body=[These are the descriptive titles embedded within the workflow version] cssheader=[boxoverTooltipHeader] cssbody=[boxoverTooltipBody] delay=[200] Information](/images/famfamfam_silk/information.png?1680607579)
Titles (2)
Sample IMPACT hackathon workflow |
Sample IMPACT hackathon workflowq |
![header=[] body=[These are the descriptions embedded within the workflow version] cssheader=[boxoverTooltipHeader] cssbody=[boxoverTooltipBody] delay=[200] Information](/images/famfamfam_silk/information.png?1680607579)
Descriptions (1)
Workflow that implements the Use Case for Group 2 at the IMPACT/Taverna hackathon.
What it does is to take the URL of a TIFF image and compute the Levenshtein difference between the OCR output of the uncompressed version with various ones compressed at various bit rates. |
![header=[] body=[These are the listed dependencies of the workflow] cssheader=[boxoverTooltipHeader] cssbody=[boxoverTooltipBody] delay=[200] Information](/images/famfamfam_silk/information.png?1680607579)
Dependencies (0)
Inputs (3)
Name |
Description |
InputImage |
The URL of the input image.
The URL of the input image, as a _string_.
Rate |
Number of bits per pixel to use for compression
Language |
Language module to use with OCR engine (greatly improves the error rate across all bit-rates).
Processors (7)
Name |
Type |
Description |
Compute_Levenshtein_Distance |
beanshell |
Scriptint n = baseline.length();
int m = compressed.length();
if (n == 0) {
distance = m;
} else if (m == 0) {
distance = n;
} else {
int[] p = new int[n+1];
int[] d = new int[n+1];
int[] _d;
int i; int j;
char t_j;
int cost;
for (i = 0; i<=n; i++) {
p[i] = i;
for (j = 1; j<=m; j++) {
t_j = compressed.charAt(j-1);
d[0] = j;
for (i=1; i<=n; i++) {
cost = baseline.charAt(i-1)==t_j ? 0 : 1;
d[i] = Math.min(Math.min(d[i-1]+1, p[i]+1), p[i-1]+cost);
_d = p;
p = d;
d = _d;
distance = p[n];
} |
OCR_Original |
workflow |
OCR_Compressed |
workflow |
Compress_Image |
workflow |
Decompress_Image |
workflow |
Read_Text_File |
localworker |
ScriptBufferedReader getReader (String fileUrl) throws IOException {
InputStreamReader reader;
try {
reader = new FileReader(fileUrl);
catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
// try a real URL instead
URL url = new URL(fileUrl);
reader = new InputStreamReader (url.openStream());
return new BufferedReader(reader);
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(4000);
BufferedReader in = getReader(fileurl);
String str;
String lineEnding = System.getProperty("line.separator");
while ((str = in.readLine()) != null) {
filecontents = sb.toString();
Read_Text_File_2 |
localworker |
ScriptBufferedReader getReader (String fileUrl) throws IOException {
InputStreamReader reader;
try {
reader = new FileReader(fileUrl);
catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
// try a real URL instead
URL url = new URL(fileUrl);
reader = new InputStreamReader (url.openStream());
return new BufferedReader(reader);
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(4000);
BufferedReader in = getReader(fileurl);
String str;
String lineEnding = System.getProperty("line.separator");
while ((str = in.readLine()) != null) {
filecontents = sb.toString();
Beanshells (1)
Name |
Description |
Inputs |
Outputs |
Compute_Levenshtein_Distance |
Outputs (6)
Name |
Description |
LevenshteinDistance |
baselineLog |
Compress_Image_Log |
EncodingScanningLog |
Compressed_Contents |
Original_Contents |
Datalinks (17)
Source |
Sink |
Read_Text_File:filecontents |
Compute_Levenshtein_Distance:compressed |
Read_Text_File_2:filecontents |
Compute_Levenshtein_Distance:baseline |
InputImage |
OCR_Original:InputImage |
Language |
OCR_Original:Language |
Decompress_Image:OutputImage |
OCR_Compressed:InputImage |
Language |
OCR_Compressed:Language |
Rate |
Compress_Image:CompressionRate |
InputImage |
Compress_Image:InputImage |
Compress_Image:OutputImage |
Decompress_Image:InputImage |
OCR_Compressed:OutputText |
Read_Text_File:fileurl |
OCR_Original:OutputText |
Read_Text_File_2:fileurl |
Compute_Levenshtein_Distance:distance |
LevenshteinDistance |
OCR_Original:Log |
baselineLog |
Compress_Image:Log |
Compress_Image_Log |
OCR_Compressed:Log |
EncodingScanningLog |
Read_Text_File:filecontents |
Compressed_Contents |
Read_Text_File_2:filecontents |
Original_Contents |
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