Find periods of time where two ILS objects are located at a maximum of X degrees longitude from each other

Created: 2011-11-04 15:47:11      Last updated: 2011-11-18 14:58:19

Inputs: name of target_obj of ILS of two objects and a number of degrees which these obejcts are allowed to be appart in hci longitude coordinates. Output VOTable of time periods where these two objects are closer than +/- input angle together.

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1. D. Pérez-Suárez, S. A. Maloney, P. A. Higgins, D. S. Bloomfield, P. T. Gallagher, G. Pierantoni, X. Bonnin, B. Cecconi, V. Alberti, K. Bocchialini, M. Dierckxsens, A. Opitz, A. Le Blanc, J. Aboudarham, R. B. Bentley, J. Brooke, B. Coghlan, A. Csillaghy, C. Jacquey, B. Lavraud and M. Messerotti, Studying Sun–Planet Connections Using the Heliophysics Integrated Observatory (HELIO), Paper, 27 September 2012,, Accessed at: 01 July 2013

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  • Friday 04 November 2011 15:52:13 (UTC)

    This workflow calls a web service which needs a long time to return (at least 5 minutes for a short time period of a year)!

    To avaoid time outs for this service call change the startup script of your Taverna and add the argument


    to set it to an hour timeout

Workflow Other workflows that use similar services (2)

Workflow Find instruments of a special type in a se... (1)

This workflow takes a type of isnstrument as input and the minimum and maxium coordinates in HCI as input. Cadence for the location service is for defining the 'continues' presence. Output is a VOTable based on the ICS return where two columns are added for the time this instrument has entered and exited the Region of Interest.

Created: 2011-08-24 | Last updated: 2011-08-24

Credits: User Anja Le Blanc

Workflow Find instruments of a special type in a se... (1)

This workflow takes a type of isnstrument as input and the minimum and maxium coordinates in HCI as input. Cadence for the location service is for defining the 'continues' presence. Output is a VOTable based on the ICS return where two columns are added for the time this instrument has entered and exited the Region of Interest.

Created: 2011-08-24 | Last updated: 2011-08-24

Credits: User Anja Le Blanc

Attributions: Workflow Find instruments of a special type in a section of space described in HCI coordinates