Calculating galaxies distances using data from LEDA

Created: 2011-10-01 11:26:35      Last updated: 2011-10-03 16:28:27

This workflow needs two inputs: a file with the list of the names of galaxies whose distance are going to be calculated (name galaxy file), and a file with our values of velocity for each galaxy (local velocity file). This workflow is composed by 5 nested workflow. The first one is used to read line by line the name galaxy file. This list of names is the input for the following two nested workflows. One of them uses the line with the name of galaxy to call HyperLEDA and to extract the velocity values from this service (Extract velocity workflow). And the other one calls HyperLEDA too, but to extract the J2000 coordinates of each galaxy (Extract J2000 workflow). The fourth nested workflow makes a comparision between the velocities values extracted from HyperLEDA and our velocity values (local velocity file), and it writes a file with this comparsion. The last nested workflow uses this comparing velocity file and the J2000 cordinates file to calculate the distance of each galaxy

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