Calculate Sun data from date
Created: 2011-02-15 09:57:51
Last updated: 2011-03-02 12:02:43
caluculates B0, position angle and sun radius (arcsec)
B0 - heliographic latitude of the centre of disk
position angle - of the north end of the axis of rotation, measured +ve if east of the north point of the disk
radius - the apparent radus of the Sun in arcsec
caluculates B0, position angle and sun radius (arcsec)
B0 - heliographic latitude of the centre of disk
position angle - of the north end of the axis of rotation, measured +ve if east of the north point of the disk
radius - the apparent radus of the Sun in arcsec
This is created using the calculations from the IDL routine
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Authors (1)
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Titles (2)
Calculate Sun data from date |
Calculate Sun data from date (time factor of input is ignored) |
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Descriptions (2)
caluculates B0, position angle and sun radius (arcsec)
B0 - heliographic latitude of the centre of disk
position angle - of the north end of the axis of rotation, measured +ve if east of the north point of the disk
radius - the apparent radus of the Sun in arcsec |
caluculates B0, position angle and sun radius (arcsec)
B0 - heliographic latitude of the centre of disk
position angle - of the north end of the axis of rotation, measured +ve if east of the north point of the disk
radius - the apparent radus of the Sun in arcsec
This is created using the calculations from the IDL routine |
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Dependencies (0)
Inputs (1)
Name |
Description |
sun_data_dateTime |
dateTime for which the Sun data is to be calculated
dateTime for which the Sun data is to be calculated
(time is ignored)
Processors (1)
Name |
Type |
Description |
sun_data |
beanshell |
Scriptimport java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
static int JGREG= 15 + 31*(10+12*1582);
public static double toJulian(int[] ymd) {
int year=ymd[0];
int month=ymd[1]; // jan=1, feb=2,...
int day=ymd[2];
int julianYear = year;
if (year < 0) julianYear++;
int julianMonth = month;
if (month > 2) {
else {
julianMonth += 13;
double julian = (java.lang.Math.floor(365.25 * julianYear)
+ java.lang.Math.floor(30.6001*julianMonth) + day + 1720995.0);
if (day + 31 * (month + 12 * year) >= JGREG) {
// change over to Gregorian calendar
int ja = (int)(0.01 * julianYear);
julian += 2 - ja + (0.25 * ja);
return java.lang.Math.floor(julian);
double radeg = 180.0/Math.PI;
// Julian date:
int[] dateIn =new int[3];
SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss");
Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
// Julian Day number
double jd = toJulian(dateIn);
// Julian Centuries from 1900.0:
double t = (jd - 2415020.0)/36525.0;
//Geometric Mean Longitude (deg):
double mnl = 279.69668 + 36000.76892*t + 0.0003025*Math.pow(t,2);
mnl = mnl % 360;
// Mean anomaly (deg):
double mna = 358.47583 + 35999.04975*t -
(0.000150*Math.pow(t,2)) - (0.0000033*Math.pow(t,3));
mna = mna % 360;
//Eccentricity of orbit:
double e = 0.01675104 - (0.0000418*t) - (0.000000126*Math.pow(t,2));
// Sun's equation of center (deg):
double c = (1.919460 - (0.004789*t) - (0.000014*Math.pow(t,2)))*Math.sin(mna/radeg) +
(0.020094 - 0.000100*t)*Math.sin(2*mna/radeg) + (0.000293*Math.sin(3*mna/radeg));
// Sun's true geometric longitude (deg)
double true_long = (mnl + c) % 360.0;
double omega = 259.18 - 1934.142*t;
double lamda = true_long - 0.00569;
double lamda2 = lamda -.00479*Math.sin(omega/radeg);
double ob1 = 23.452294 - 0.0130125*t - 0.00000164*Math.pow(t,2)+ 0.000000503*Math.pow(t,3);
double k = 74.3646 + 1.395833 * t;
double diff = (lamda -k)/radeg;
double i = 7.25;
double x = Math.atan(Math.cos(lamda2/radeg)*-1*Math.tan(ob1/radeg))*radeg;
double y = Math.atan(Math.cos(diff)*-1*Math.tan(i/radeg))*radeg;
double pa = x + y;
position_angle = pa;
b0 = Math.asin(Math.sin(diff)*Math.sin(i/radeg))*radeg;
double ta = (mna +c) % 360;
double dist = 1.0000002 *(1.0 - Math.pow(e,2))/(1.0 +e*Math.cos(ta/radeg));
sun_radius = 959.63/dist;
Beanshells (1)
Name |
Description |
Inputs |
Outputs |
sun_data |
Outputs (3)
Name |
Description |
b0 |
b0 - heliogrpahic latitude of the centre of the disk
sun_radius |
the apprent radius of the Sun in arcsec
position_angle |
postion angle of the north end of the axis of rotation, measured +ve if east of the north point of the disk
Datalinks (4)
Source |
Sink |
sun_data_dateTime |
sun_data:dateTime |
sun_data:b0 |
b0 |
sun_data:sun_radius |
sun_radius |
sun_data:position_angle |
position_angle |
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