Find/show Taverna's home directory

Created: 2010-04-12 15:11:47      Last updated: 2010-04-12 15:17:57

Find Taverna's home directory and open that folder using Explorer/Finder/Gnome.

This is the folder that is typically something like C:\Users\stain\AppData\Roaming\taverna-2.1.2, C:\Documents and settings\stain\taverna-2.1.2, /home/stain/.taverna-2.1.2 or /Users/stain/Library/Application support/taverna-2.1.2

This workflow should work on both Taverna 1 and Taverna 2.

For Taverna 2 the beanshell script uses reflection to try to call ApplicationRuntime.getInstance().getApplicationHome()

On Taverna 1 the reflection will fail, and the beanshell will simply fall back to getting the variable taverna.home.

The last three local workers will attempt to open the folder using the commands explorer (for Windows), open (for OS X) and gnome-open (for Linux). Two of these will always fail.

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