Haddock's Workflows

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Showing 4 results. Use the filters on the left and the search box below to refine the results.

Workflow Holograph Reduced Representation (1)

After Kanerwa

Created: 2010-06-29


Workflow Function finding (1)

This process recursively generates new attributes by mathematically combining existing attributes with user selectable operators. At the end of each pass through the recursion attributes are thinned to prevent silicon smoke and unpleasantness. Sample input. P1    P2    A1    A2    RESULT 2       3      4      5      15 6     &...

Created: 2010-06-12 | Last updated: 2010-06-29


Workflow Association rules as examples (1)

Uses Groovy scripting to lay out rules and their support metrics as examples.

Created: 2010-06-02


Workflow Missing value count (1)

This workflow enables users to filter examples by the number of missing values they contains; it inserts the numeric attribute 'Missings' - representing, for each example, the count of attributes with missing values.

Created: 2010-05-27 | Last updated: 2010-07-13

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