Sabrina Kirstein's Workflows

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Showing 5 results. Use the filters on the left and the search box below to refine the results.

Workflow Example Process using the RapidMiner Linke... (1)

This example process uses the operator SPARQL Data Importer provided by the RapidMiner LOD Extension to receive additional data about books including the author, isbn, country, abstract, number of pages and language from dbpedia (

Created: 2014-12-04

Workflow RapidMiner process created by the MLWizard... (1)

This process was created by the MLWizard Extension. Start RapidMiner Studio, download the extension from the RapidMiner Marketplace, open the menu Tools and click on "Automatic System Construction". A wizard opens, which suggests some models which fit best to build a model from your data. You can choose the one which has the most accuracy and the wizard creates the RapidMiner process for you.

Created: 2014-12-04

Workflow Example Process using the WHIBO Extension (1)

This example shows simply the operator Generic decision tree of the WHIBO extension for RapidMiner Studio, which allows the creation and usage of an individual Decision Tree algorithm.

Created: 2014-12-04

Workflow Example process of the Text and Web Mining... (1)

This example process crawls the web (RapidMiner forum) for entries, extracts the information with the Process Documents operator and applies Clustering on the results. The process shows the interaction between the Web Mining Extension and the Text Mining Extension from RapidMiner.

Created: 2014-12-04

Workflow Example Process RapidMiner Multimedia Mini... (1)

This example process can be used with the Multimedia Extension ( in RapidMiner Studio. It shows how to create a QR code with the extension, and how to make image transformations.

Created: 2014-12-04 | Last updated: 2014-12-04

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