Jorgejesus' Workflows

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Tag: pywps Licence: by-sa Wsdl:

Workflow Point coordinate projection transformation (1)

Point coordinate transformation. Hard coded example of transformation from 4326 (lat/long) to 32630 (UTM 30N) for 3 points in the UK. The service is called once at the time, just to test the list interactor, since the service could work with a list of points. Metadata: Library: gdaltransform

Created: 2011-09-16 | Last updated: 2011-09-16

Credits: User Jorgejesus

Workflow GRASS-GIS orchestration using pyWPS (2)

Generic workflow that run r.watershed, with auxiliary services: r.math and geotiff2png. Watershed accumulation is calculated from DEM using r.watershed, the accumulation result is then filtered using r.math with equation:output=(if(a>10,a,null())) Generic workflow that run r.watershed, with auxiliary services: r.math and geotiff2png. Watershed accumulation is calculated from DEM using r.watershed, the accumulation result is then filtered using r.math with equation: output=(if(a>10,...

Created: 2011-04-18 | Last updated: 2011-04-25

Credits: User Jorgejesus

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