Tag Results

Items tagged with "moby" (2)

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Workflows (2)

Workflow SifterWorkflow_Prod_Neu (2)

Phylogenomic workflow with SIFTER. The workflow first runs an iterative Blast search against the RefSeq database (Pruitt et al. 2007) (only fully sequenced organisms) and filters the results to get putative orthologous and in-paralogous proteins. These sequences are used to build a multiple alignment with MAFFT (Katoh et al. 2005). After filtering out alignment columns with more than 60% gaps, a phylogenetic tree is build. If there are less than 20 proteins in the alignment Phyml (Guindon an...

Created: 2007-11-23 | Last updated: 2008-04-29

Credits: User Anika Joecker


Workflow Analysing workflows (3)

This workflows analyses workflows stored at the myExperiment site. It is used in the paper submitted to the Workshop on Scientific Workflow 2009. The workflow shows the task usage in the Taverna workflows stored at the myExperiment site The amount of services used The amount of local processors used The amount of scripting tasks The amount of sub workflows Furthermore it classifies the local services based on their intended function. The workflow has two inputs: ...

Created: 2009-05-06 | Last updated: 2009-05-06

Credits: User Wassinki User Pieter Neerincx User Katy Wolstencroft User Marco Roos

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Non-Information Resource URI: http://www.myexperiment.org/tags/924

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