Tag Results

Items tagged with "hitran" (3)

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Workflows (3)

Workflow Workflow to Query TAP-XSAMS node. (3)

Workflow to just one TAP-XSAMS Node. This workflow queries the Hitran Node for MoleculeChemicalName of 'HF' VAMDC Taverna Plugin: http://voparis-twiki.obspm.fr/twiki/bin/view/VAMDC/TavernaUserGuide

Created: 2012-03-07 | Last updated: 2012-09-12

Credits: User Stormshadow

Workflow VAMDC to query on ChemicalName 'OR' Stoich... (4)

Workflow to query just one TAP-XSAMS Node. This workflow queries the Hitran Node for MoleculeChemicalName of 'HF' and StoichimetricFormula of 'HV' Demonstrates building a query for two Restrictables. VAMDC Taverna Plugin: http://voparis-twiki.obspm.fr/twiki/bin/view/VAMDC/TavernaUserGuide

Created: 2012-03-07 | Last updated: 2012-09-12

Credits: User Stormshadow Network-member Virtual Atomic and Molecular Data Centre - VAMDC

Workflow VAMDC Query to Two Nodes using HTML Consum... (2)

Workflow to two TAP-XSAMS Node and see results in a HTML view using a Consumer Service. This workflow queries the Hitran and CDMS Node for MoleculeStoichiometricForumua of 'CO' VAMDC Taverna Plugin: http://voparis-twiki.obspm.fr/twiki/bin/view/VAMDC/TavernaUserGuide

Created: 2012-03-07 | Last updated: 2012-09-12

Credits: User Stormshadow Network-member Virtual Atomic and Molecular Data Centre - VAMDC

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Non-Information Resource URI: http://www.myexperiment.org/tags/3339

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