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3463?size=60x60 Gab

Workflow When do the Fastest type II CME should be ... (1)

The fastest CME is found from an interval of time, and propagated to Earth, in two steps, first to obtain the Solar wind speed at Earth and then propagated again with a more reasonable CME speed. The output produces Min-Max ETAs for each object in the heliosphere and the plots of the final propagation model. This Workflow was produced as one of the challenges in the HELIO CDAW-IV hosted at TCD

Created: 2013-03-21

Credits: User Gab User Anja Le Blanc User David PS

Attributions: Workflow When did the fastest type II CME happened?

Workflow Retrieve Instruments for event dates (2)

Queries the HELIO ICS web service and returns a list of instruments available for the time periodes in VOTable format

Created: 2010-05-26

Credits: User Anja Le Blanc

User Shaun Bloomfield

Joined: Monday 03 September 2012 14:41:07 (UTC)

No description

Field/Industry:Solar Physics, Space Weather, Heliophysics | Occupation/Role(s):Research


Blob HELIO Taverna Tutotial

Created: 2012-04-19 08:36:41 | Last updated: 2012-04-19 08:36:42

Credits: User Anja Le Blanc

License: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License

Power Point Tutorial for HELIO specific learning of Taverna. Related material:

File type: PowerPoint presentation

Comments: 0 | Viewed: 55 times | Downloaded: 45 times


Workflow Propagation of the Co-roationg interaction... (2)

use of the processing service to calculate time delays to the planets Inputs: time when propagation should start longitude of starting point on the sun speed of the solar wind error speed of the solar wind

Created: 2011-12-13 | Last updated: 2012-02-03

Credits: User Anja Le Blanc

Workflow Connect flare events with proton events on... (2)

This workflow uses flares listed in any HELIO HEC flare catalogue (using the semantic mapping service), checks whether these flares are connected to Earth via the Parker spiral, and looks for proton events at earth listed in the goes_proton_event list. The flare listing and the proton listing are combinded into a list of VOTable outputs (one VOTable per flare catalogue with results).

Created: 2011-12-09 | Last updated: 2011-12-13

Credits: User Anja Le Blanc

Attributions: Workflow Connect flare events with proton events on Earth via propagation model


Blob HELIO Service Provider Set

Created: 2012-02-01 08:23:53 | Last updated: 2012-02-01 15:24:42

Credits: User Anja Le Blanc

License: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License

This file contains service providers of heliophysics services. You can import them into Taverna.

File type: XML

Comments: 0 | Viewed: 44 times | Downloaded: 30 times



Workflow HFC Synoptic map from date (1)

query the HELIO Feature Catalogue, and retrieves the image with all the features catalgued for certain date.

Created: 2012-11-05

Credits: User David PS


Workflow Instrument Capability Service Invocation w... (1)

This workflow is an invocation ofthe Instrument Capability Service using the HELIO plugin built by Kevin Benson

Created: 2014-02-27


Workflow sort_stereo_transient_list_into_cirs_and_c... (1)

The workflow concept is below. Current workflow is proof of concept and works for default event.1. The initial query is to the stereo_hi_sw_transient list in a particular time range. From this catalogue we extract the longitude of the source of the transient, the longitude error, the start time (launch time of the transient) and the estimated time of arrival. The time of the event is then passed to the HELIO Instrument Location Service (ILS) to extract the Heliocentric Earth Equatorial longit...

Created: 2014-08-11

Credits: User Eoincar

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