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Network-member EOS - Keystone Skills in Bioinformatics 13...

Created: Wednesday 05 February 2014 15:20:10 (UTC)

This is a group for all participants of the EOS Keystone Skills in Bioinformatics.Days 9 -10. Workflows, Taverna and the BioVeL Project.Timetable:Thursday, 13th February, 201409:30 - 10:00 Introductions. Outline of learning objectives for days 9 & 10. 10:00 - 10:30 An introduction to myExperiment.Setting up a myExperiment account10:30 - 11:15 Demonstration of 2 work...

24 shared items   |   0 announcements

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Network-member EpiGeneSys Network of Excellence

Unique name: EpiGeneSys
Created: Tuesday 12 April 2011 16:52:29 (UTC)

EpiGeneSys Network of Excellence A new ambitious EC-funded research initiative on Epigenetics advancing towards systems biology.

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Network-member EraSysBio_Tutorial

Created: Wednesday 30 July 2008 12:07:11 (UTC)

No description

14 shared items   |   0 announcements

Members (23):



Network-member eScience for Software Engineering

Unique name: escienceforsoftwareengineering
Created: Thursday 28 July 2011 18:39:27 (UTC)

No description

11 shared items   |   0 announcements

Members (8):

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Network-member Espacio-Red de Prácticas y Culturas Digit...

Created: Sunday 09 November 2008 11:40:14 (UTC)

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Network-member EuroGlycoArrays

Created: Monday 02 November 2009 16:31:34 (UTC)

The EuroGlycoArrays project, launched on 01 September 2008, has been granted a 4 million EURO award by the EC to set up a Marie Curie Initial Training Network as part of the FP7 People Programme. This grant will fund four years of research and training into the development of carbohydrate arrays as highly innovative tools to map out carbohydrate-protein interactions in cells or tissues. The l...

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Members (4):

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Network-member EUSOL

Unique name: eusol
Created: Thursday 24 April 2008 07:04:42 (UTC)

Workflows of the EU-SOL project. Objectives are: To extract the under-exploited natural biodiversity present in Solanaceae to improve consumer-driven and environmentally-directed quality of tomato fruits and potato tubers. To map, isolate and characterise genes responsible for quality traits and to dissect the molecular mechanisms underlying these ...

1 shared item   |   0 announcements


Network-member Examples for Mitre

Created: Tuesday 31 January 2012 20:46:23 (UTC)

Example workflows that may be useful for

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Network-member experimental project

Unique name: experimental_project
Created: Friday 20 July 2007 17:16:10 (UTC)

Introduction ------------ This is the initial project page. You can edit this page like a wiki using [Markdown syntax][1] or by adding html. [1]:

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Members (2):

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Network-member Fedora Repository Content Models

Unique name: fedora-cma
Created: Friday 24 July 2009 14:39:58 (UTC)

 Tinkering with the idea of using myExperiment to share Fedora Content Models.

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Members (5):

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Network-member Finn's Group

Created: Monday 01 June 2015 07:59:14 (UTC)

No description

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Network-member Flooding

Unique name: flooding
Created: Wednesday 22 June 2016 09:01:27 (UTC)

This group for those who want to sound off about their academic/research problems but for various reasons could not do it in other groups.

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Network-member Forex

Unique name: fxbcn
Created: Wednesday 29 February 2012 14:10:41 (UTC)

 El objetivo de este grupo es crear un modelo de predicción apto para el trading en FOREX.

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Network-member Free/Libre Open Source Software

Unique name: FLOSS
Created: Wednesday 06 February 2008 15:17:36 (UTC)

This group is for researchers studying open source software development. Sharing analysis workflows and components is an efficient way to advance the efforts of the FLOSS research community and is consistent with the values of the development communities we study. The aim of this group is to leverage what we have learned from the FLOSS development community, neatly summarized by Eric Raymond: &...

8 shared items   |   1 announcements


Latest announcement:: FLOSShub: new FLOSS research resource portal


Network-member Frogs in the amazon

Unique name: fita
Created: Friday 12 April 2019 07:51:06 (UTC)

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Members (2):



Network-member FunctionalGenomics

Unique name: func-genomics
Created: Thursday 20 March 2008 09:23:32 (UTC)

Studying functional genomics in computational aspect, especially for yeast...

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Network-member GAFFA

Created: Wednesday 19 September 2007 10:51:28 (UTC)

Genome Annotation Framework for Flexible Analysis.

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Network-member Galicia Supercomputing Center

Unique name: cesga
Created: Monday 18 July 2011 08:37:19 (UTC)

This is a group for CESGA (Centro de Supercomputación de Galicia)

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Network-member GBS galaxy development Deena-Biogenomics

Unique name: gbs
Created: Saturday 01 September 2012 17:31:51 (UTC)

No description

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Network-member GENESI-DEC Workflows

Created: Tuesday 06 March 2012 15:46:58 (UTC)

 A group created to test the capabilities of myExperiment for the EU GENESI-DEC Project (

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Members (2):

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