Group: EUSOL


Workflows of the EU-SOL project.

Objectives are:

  • To extract the under-exploited natural biodiversity present in Solanaceae to improve consumer-driven and environmentally-directed quality of tomato fruits and potato tubers.

  • To map, isolate and characterise genes responsible for quality traits and to dissect the molecular mechanisms underlying these trait by application of state-of-the-art knowledge and innovative technologies.


  • To assemble these genes within new elite genotypes to boost our knowledge and provide a blueprint for novel high quality varieties to be developed by EU breeding companies.


  • To coordinate and integrate breeding research for quality traits, to provide training in innovative technologies, to disseminate the results and to transfer knowledge and technologies to industry.


  • To participate in the international tomato genome sequencing initiative that will tie European Solanaceae research and innovation into the full global activities in this area. This is of pivotal importance for Europe.

Created at: Thursday 24 April 2008 07:04:42 (UTC)

Unique name: eusol



  1. 266?size=48x48
    Anika Joecker shared SifterWorkflow_Prod_Neu
    Phylogenomic workflow with SIFTER. The workflow first runs an iterative Blast search against the RefSeq database (Pruitt et al. 2007) (only fully sequenced organisms) and filters the results to get putative orthologous and in-paralogous proteins. These sequences are used to build a multiple alignment …
    Wednesday 08 May 2013 14:51:50 (UTC)
  2. Avatar
    Kathrin Klee created the EUSOL group
    Thursday 24 April 2008 07:04:42 (UTC)

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