Group: myExperimentBeanshellCollection
Group for development, curation and maintenance of collections of generic Beanshell processors.
Join this group if you have some cool Beanshells that you want to share! Please add your Beanshells to the myExperimentBeanshellCollection workflow and don't create new workflows for this purpose. (It's not fun to load dozens of workflows manually to load a fragmented collection of Beanshells.) If the collection grows dramatically we might split the collection into multiple categories somehow in the future, but for now a single workflow should do.
Created at: Thursday 06 March 2008 11:41:29 (UTC)
Unique name: myExperimentBeanshellCollection
Veeranna Ronad joined the myExperimentBeanshellCollection groupWednesday 07 July 2010 05:34:26 (UTC)
Mannie Tagarira commented: Hello, Finn Bacall and myself (Emmanuel Tagarira) are interns with the myGrid team. We have been working on a prototype/strawman for a "shims library". A shim is used to mediate between two otherwise incompatible services by converting the output from one workflow component i …Thursday 17 September 2009 12:56:41 (UTC)
Mannie Tagarira, Andrea Wiggins, Peter Li, Paul Fisher, Bela, Tom Crick, Duncan Hull, and Marco Roos joined the myExperimentBeanshellCollection group
Pieter Neerincx shared myExperimentBeanshellCollectionPublic collection of generic Beanshells curated by the myExperimentBeanshellCollection group on myExperiment. Visit for details and updates. To use this collection of beanshells in Taverna: Right click "Available Processors" in the "Design Perspective" Choose "Add new Work …Thursday 06 March 2008 11:46:12 (UTC)
Pieter Neerincx created the myExperimentBeanshellCollection groupThursday 06 March 2008 11:41:29 (UTC)
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Created: 2008-03-06 | Last updated: 2008-03-25