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Category: Workflow Type: Taverna 1 Tag: open source software Licence: by-sa

Workflow Success-Abandonment-Classification (3)

Retrieves data from FLOSSmole and from the Notre Dame SourceForge repository to compute project statistics based on releases, downloads and project lifespan. Project statistics are then used to classify projects according to the criteria set up in English & Schweik, but comparison criteria are parameterized so that a different set of criterion thresholds can be used to evaluate the project characteristics.

Created: 2008-02-06 | Last updated: 2008-07-02

Credits: User Andrea Wiggins User James Howison

Workflow FLOSS Communication Centralization Plot, E... (4)

The analysis in this workflow represents the basis of the analysis in our paper, Social dynamics of FLOSS team communication across channels. This workflow uses WSDL components to select periodized data from the FLOSSmole database and generate sociomatrices. The workflow parses the threaded list structure into a communication network based on reply-to relationships. In the analysis process, an edge weighting is applied so that older messages receive less weight using an exponential decay fun...

Created: 2009-02-07

Credits: User Andrea Wiggins User Crowston User James Howison

Workflow Data Set Metadata Generator (1)

This workflow generates ePrints XML import files with data set metadata for the FLOSSmole project. It reads in an input file generated from a Notre Dame SourceForge dump SQL query and uses regular expressions to parse the filename for the data set's source repository, download URL, and basic description. It also translates the epoch date into a sql format suitable for import, and the file size from bytes into larger units, e.g. GB, MB, etc. These data are inserted into an XML eprint record te...

Created: 2008-08-19 | Last updated: 2008-08-19

Credits: User Andrea Wiggins

Workflow FLOSS Communication Centralization Plot, U... (2)

The analysis in this workflow represents the basis of the analysis in our paper, Social dynamics of FLOSS team communication across channels. This workflow uses WSDL components to select periodized data from the FLOSSmole database and generate sociomatrices. The workflow parses the threaded list structure into a communication network based on reply-to relationships. In the analysis process, an unit weighting is applied to the edges. The weighted sociomatrices are then dichotomized according ...

Created: 2009-02-07

Credits: User Andrea Wiggins User Crowston User James Howison

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