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Workflow Hello Anyone (1)

An extension to helloworld.t2flow - this workflow takes a workflow input "name" which is combined with the string constant "Hello, " using the local worker "Concatenate two strings", and outputs the produced string to the workflow output "greeting".

Created: 2012-01-03 | Last updated: 2014-03-03

Credits: User Stian Soiland-Reyes

Attributions: Workflow Hello World

Workflow Hello World (1)

One of the simplest workflows possible. No workflow input ports, a single workflow output port "greeting", outputting "Hello, world!" as produced by the String Constant "hello".

Created: 2012-01-03 | Last updated: 2014-03-03

Credits: User Stian Soiland-Reyes

Workflow Example of explicit looping (1)

This workflow demonstrates how a nested workflow can be called an explicit number of times. Note that the loop iterator does not need to be used in the logic of the loop contents. It can be used as a sentinel (see the conditional workflow)

Created: 2011-11-15 | Last updated: 2011-11-15

Credits: User Alan Williams

Workflow Example of conditional invocation (1)

This workflow demonstrates how nested workflows can be conditionally invoked

Created: 2011-11-15 | Last updated: 2011-11-15

Credits: User Alan Williams

Workflow Simple Python example (1)

This workflow generates a random number within the range 0 to 100. The generation is done by a python script. The workflow assumes that python is in the path.

Created: 2011-10-06 | Last updated: 2011-10-06

Credits: User Alan Williams

Workflow Merge list of errors to string (2)

Based on The beanshell scripts collectively builds a temporary file of the merged string (by default using newline as separator). As each item is appended to the file separately by Write_text_append, this means it can handle occassional errors in the list, such as in the output from Sometimes_fails. Such items are not included in the merged string. To use, merge with your workflow and delete "Create_Lots_if_Strings", "Sometimes_Fai...

Created: 2011-09-13 | Last updated: 2011-09-13

Workflow XML-RPC example current time (1)

Using Apache ws-xmlrpc from Beanshell scripts to call - see To use, download the JARs from (ie. ) - unzip and put into Taverna's home directory lib/ folder. Right-click on the Beanshell script and check the "Dependencies" tab to check that all JARs have been ticked off (minimum required: ws-common-util.jar, xmlrpc-client.jar and x...

Created: 2011-08-11 | Last updated: 2011-08-11

Credits: User Stian Soiland-Reyes

Workflow Secure Web service call example (1)

This is an example of a workflow that contains a call to a secure Web service that runs behind HTTPS and requires user to authenticate. The first thing you can expect to see is a pop up dialog asking if you trust the Web service to be invoked over HTTPS. You can use testuser/testpasswd as username and password for authentication when running the workflow. To see where the security is being configured, right-click the service in the diagram and select "Configure security" from the menu.

Created: 2011-07-14 | Last updated: 2011-07-14

Credits: User Alex Nenadic

Workflow Secure REST service call example (1)

This is an example of a workflow that contains a call to a secure REST service that requires user to authenticate with HTTP Basic Authentication. You can use testuser/testpasswd as username and password for authentication when running the workflow.

Created: 2011-07-14 | Last updated: 2011-07-14

Credits: User Alex Nenadic

Workflow Unix tool for numerically adding two values. (1)

This workflow relies on a Unix system. It wraps the "bc" command line calculator. It downloads the calculation script from a URL.

Created: 2011-07-13 | Last updated: 2011-07-13

Credits: User Alan Williams User Steffen Möller

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