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Showing 72 results. Use the filters on the left and the search box below to refine the results.

Workflow FFmpeg convert audio2aac (REST) (1)

Converts supported audio files to AAC using FFmpeg through a REST webservice.

Created: 2012-01-16 | Last updated: 2012-01-16

Credits: User Rui Castro

Workflow Mock-Up mp3 To Wav Migrate And QA (4)

This is a Mock-Up Workflow illustrating SCAPE solution 'SO4 mp3 To Wav Migrate And QA Mock Up', see  

Created: 2011-12-15 | Last updated: 2014-05-14

Credits: User Bolette Jurik


Workflow Image files comparison using histograms an... (2)

This workflow extracts histogram and profile features from image file applying image processing command line tool. Necessary configuration files are stored on Github ( As a template for creation of image workflows was used xa-toolwrapper project from Sven Schlarb ( This workflow provides WSDL web service that wraps command line tool with tho options ‘extra...

Created: 2011-11-22 | Last updated: 2011-11-23

Credits: User Roman

Workflow Compare OCR result of original and BW vers... (1)

 Use the word based edit distance to compare the OCR result of the original and a binarised version of an image

Created: 2011-11-15 | Last updated: 2011-11-15

Credits: User perdalum Network-member IMPACT-myGrid-Hackathon

Attributions: Workflow Calculate edit distance based on words

Workflow Calculate edit distance based on words (1)

 Calculate the word based edit distance between a scan of an OCR image and its ground truth.

Created: 2011-11-14 | Last updated: 2011-11-14

Credits: User perdalum


Workflow Common SCAPE QA command line tool RESTful ... (1)

The QA REST package enables creation of RESTful web service that wraps any QA command line tools. The main element of this workflow is a RESTful service designed in the SCAPE QA command line tools RESTful package The Github project from Andy Jackson is a basis implementation for pc-qa-toolwrapper-rest package. The workflow comprises path to the RESTful servi...

Created: 2011-07-01 | Last updated: 2012-04-04

Credits: User Roman


Workflow Extract histogram features from image file... (1)

The main element of this workflow is a RESTful service designed in the SCAPE QA command line tools RESTful package The Github project from Andy Jackson is a basis implementation for pc-qa-toolwrapper-rest package. The QA REST package enables creation of RESTful web service that wraps QA command line tool like ‘extractfeatures’ or ‘create’...

Created: 2011-07-01 | Last updated: 2012-04-04

Credits: User Roman


Workflow Compare histogram features of image files (1)

As a template for creation of image workflows was used xa-toolwrapper project from Sven Schlarb ( This project enables creation of WSDL web service that wraps command line tool like ‘extractFeatures’ or ‘create’. The workflow for ‘compare’ tool has three input parameters. These are two URLs to the XML histogram files that comprise information about image features. These files are acquired us...

Created: 2011-06-16 | Last updated: 2012-04-04

Credits: User Roman


Workflow Extract histogram features from image file (1)

As a template for creation of image workflows was used xa-toolwrapper project from Sven Schlarb ( This project enables creation of WSDL web service that wraps command line tool like ‘extractFeatures’ or ‘create’. The workflow for ‘extractFeatures’ tool has two input parameters. The URL to the input image file and the number of histogram bins as integer. This workflow extracts histogram feature...

Created: 2011-06-16 | Last updated: 2012-04-04

Credits: User Roman


Workflow Detect compressed TIFF files and remove th... (3)

The workflow takes a list of TIFF images as input, identifies the "Group 4 Fax" comressed TIFF images and converts them to uncompressed TIFF images using convert. Finally it characterises the converted image. This version of the workflow replaces the web services of the original workflow with tool services.

Created: 2011-06-15 | Last updated: 2012-03-08

Credits: User Sven


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