Group: NBIC BioWise PhD student course - Management of Life Science Information (2009)


Group in support of the course 'Management of Life Science Information', 25/5-21/6 2009, organized for the Netherlands BioInformatics Centre (NBIC) as part of the BioWise programme.

Created at: Saturday 23 May 2009 13:58:01 (UTC)

Unique name: BioWiseInformationManagement2009



  1. 345?size=48x48
    Wassinki commented:
    In case you use Taverna 1.7.1, you can use the R interpreter version 2.6+. But you first have to install the newest version of RShell. There is a small tutorial on the site below how to do this: Ingo
    Thursday 28 May 2009 11:25:00 (UTC)
  2. 626?size=48x48
    Gerard Schaafsma shared file
    For those having problems starting Taverna 1, please try this. Put this file in de conf directory inside the taverna directory (where the runme.bat is), and restart Taverna.
    Thursday 28 May 2009 10:28:47 (UTC)
  3. 624?size=48x48
    Ernest van Ophuizen joined the NBIC BioWise PhD student course - Management of Life Science Information (2009) group
    Thursday 28 May 2009 10:21:49 (UTC)
  4. 30?size=48x48
    Marco Roos shared New for Taverna 2 (in case of problems with nighlty build)
    This may help solve problems with T2 snapshot.
    Thursday 28 May 2009 09:25:04 (UTC)
  5. 71?size=48x48
    Katy Wolstencroft shared Exploring Taverna 2
    Thursday 28 May 2009 09:08:38 (UTC)
  6. 71?size=48x48
    Katy Wolstencroft shared Introduction to Taverna 1
    Thursday 28 May 2009 09:07:46 (UTC)
  7. 30?size=48x48
    Marco Roos created the NBIC BioWise PhD student course - Management of Life Science Information (2009) group
    Saturday 23 May 2009 13:58:01 (UTC)

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