Content from the BauVOGrid group

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Workflow Workflow Pattern - Exclusive Choice (XOR-S... (2)

This workflow is a GWorkflowDL representation of an exclusive choice (XOR Split) that invokes either A or B. This workflow is equivalent to the following pseudo code: x = XOR_Split; if (x=="true") { end_A = A(x); } else { end_B = B(x); }

Created: 2008-12-09

Credits: User Andreas Hoheisel

Workflow Workflow Pattern - Blocking Discriminator ... (1)

This workflow is a GWorkflowDL representation of a blocking discriminator (1-out-of-M Join) that invokes C after the first invocation of A or B (M=2). All next (M-1) invocations of A or B are ignored and the AND transition is blocked. The pattern is resets if both, A and B have been invoked. Then the next token on "begin" can be processed. Please note that the transitions "C", "ignore", and "release" have different priorities (represented by p0, p1, an...

Created: 2009-01-20

Credits: User Andreas Hoheisel

Workflow Workflow Pattern - Synchronization (AND-Join) (2)

This workflow is a GWorkflowDL representation of a synchronization (AND Join) that waits until A and B finish their execution. This workflow is equivalent to the following pseudo code: threadA = new Thread( end_A = A() ); threadB = new Thread( end_B = B() ); threadA.join(); threadB.join();

Created: 2009-01-19

Credits: User Andreas Hoheisel

Workflow Workflow Pattern - Structured Partial Join (1)

This workflow is a GWorkflowDL representation of a structured partial join (N-out-of-M join) that invokes D after N=2 invocations of A or B or C (M=3). All next (M-N) invocations of A or B or C are ignored. This is only one out of various possibilities to model this workflow pattern.

Created: 2009-01-06

Credits: User Andreas Hoheisel

Workflow Make 28 CPUh load on the Grid (1)

This workflow makes 28 CPU hours load on a Grid. Therefore it calls 100 times (represented by 100 input tokens) the program "makeload", which makes 1000 Seconds load each. The processing is done recurrent, so you can use this workflow to benchmark the speedup of your Grid environment, or just to heat up your computer center... This workflow also serves as an example of a typical parameter study modeled with GWorkflowDL. Of cause this workflow can only be invoked with a X509 certif...

Created: 2008-11-25 | Last updated: 2008-12-17

Credits: User Andreas Hoheisel

Workflow GWorkflowDL: Generic execution of programs (1)

This workflow is an example of the execution of an arbitrary command line program. This workflow transfers a tar.gz package containing the linux program "date" to a free Grid resource, unpacks, and executes it. After execution the URL to the file with the standard output is available on "stdout", the standard error on "stderr".

Created: 2008-11-25 | Last updated: 2008-11-25

Credits: User Andreas Hoheisel

Workflow Workflow Pattern - Cancelling Discriminator (1)

This workflow is a GWorkflowDL representation of a cancelling discriminator that cancels the invocation of B if A has been executed and vice versa. This is only one out of various possibilities to model this workflow pattern. Please regard that this workflow example uses a separate method for cancelling the invocation of the activity. This is very useful if the invocation of the activity is done asynchronously as it is often implemented for long running methods. It may be necessary to propag...

Created: 2009-01-06

Credits: User Andreas Hoheisel

Workflow Workflow Pattern - Parallel Split (AND-Split) (1)

This workflow is a GWorkflowDL representation of a parallel split that invokes A and B recurrently without synchronization. This workflow is equivalent to the following pseudo code: new Thread( end_A = A() ); new Thread( end_B = B() );

Created: 2008-12-03 | Last updated: 2008-12-03

Credits: User Andreas Hoheisel

Workflow Workflow Pattern - Sequence (1)

This workflow is a GWorkflowDL representation of a sequence that sequentially invokes A and B. This workflow is equivalent to the following pseudo code: end_A = A(); end_B = B(end_A);

Created: 2008-12-03

Credits: User Andreas Hoheisel

Workflow GWorkflowDL: Simple Test Workflow (1)

This is a trivial test workflow modeled using the Grid Workflow Description Language (GWorkflowDL), which can be executed by means of the Grid Workflow Execution Service (GWES).

Created: 2008-11-25

Credits: User Andreas Hoheisel

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