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Blob Data example for experimentation with recommender ex...

Created: 2012-01-29 11:53:41 | Last updated: 2012-01-30 13:19:23

Credits: User tomS

License: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License

This is a train/test set example used in experimentation. Data in this set consists of three columns, one column for user identification, one for item identification, and one for rating. Every dataset is accompanied with the appropriate aml file. This dataset can be used for rating prediction and item recommendation operator testing. Item recommendation operators will ignore the rating column.

File type: application/x-zip-compressed

Comments: 0 | Viewed: 97 times | Downloaded: 80 times



Blob Dataset for item rating predictions

Created: 2012-01-19 14:56:28 | Last updated: 2012-01-19 14:57:13

Credits: User Ninoaf

License: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License

  This dataset is used in: Pack: Recommender systems workflow templates 2012 for item rating recommendation workflow:

File type: Trident (Package)

Comments: 0 | Viewed: 111 times | Downloaded: 59 times

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Blob Dataset for item recommendation hybrid-based

Created: 2012-01-19 14:26:56 | Last updated: 2012-06-03 19:49:28

Credits: User Ninoaf

License: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License

 This dataset is used in: Pack: Recommender systems workflow templates 2012 for item recommendation hybrid-based workflow:   This is a synthetic dataset produced by work: N. Antulov-Fantulin, M.Bošnjak, T.Šmuc, V. Zlatić, M. Grčar, Artificial clickstream generation algorithm - biased random walk approach,

File type: Trident (Package)

Comments: 0 | Viewed: 124 times | Downloaded: 90 times

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Blob Taverna Tutorial Chip-Seq Downstream analysis

Created: 2012-01-17 13:26:09

Credits: User Katy Wolstencroft

License: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License

This file contains a tutorial to introduce the use of Taverna for Next Gen sequence analysis

File type: PowerPoint presentation

Comments: 0 | Viewed: 50 times | Downloaded: 57 times

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Blob wikipedia articles

Created: 2012-01-17 11:14:36

Credits: User AGeduldig

License: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License

wikipedia articles of different topics (car, sport, geography)

File type: application/x-zip-compressed

Comments: 0 | Viewed: 30 times | Downloaded: 67 times

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Blob Advanced exercises for Next Gen Taverna tutorial

Created: 2012-01-16 16:56:02 | Last updated: 2012-01-17 16:00:23

Credits: User Katy Wolstencroft

License: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License

These exercises highlight some of the more advanced features of the Taverna engine, for example, looping, iteration and retries

File type: PowerPoint presentation

Comments: 0 | Viewed: 40 times | Downloaded: 50 times

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Blob Pattern detection components

Created: 2012-01-16 14:32:01

Credits: User jhermes

License: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License

Some of the components of the Pattern Detector experiment that are still work in progress and therefore not a part of the Tesla distribution. Before executing the experiment, you should unzip this file and copy the resulting jar and zip files into the Tesla/libs folder (see for details).

File type: ZIP archive

Comments: 0 | Viewed: 29 times | Downloaded: 20 times



Blob Dissertation Text Files II

Created: 2012-01-16 10:17:34

Credits: User jhermes

License: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License

Another text files I've used within the experiments of my dissertation (PIII codebook, PIII text and - again - the VIAF). To reproduce my structual analyses within our workflow system Tesla, it is required to upload the text files with the Tesla Corpus Manager (Tutorial).

File type: ZIP archive

Comments: 0 | Viewed: 38 times | Downloaded: 25 times



Blob comparison of plant مقارنة

Created: 2012-01-12 20:21:14 | Last updated: 2012-01-12 20:21:15

Credits: User Ahmed hosny

Attributions: Blob Picture 3

License: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License

plant DNA Virus

File type: JPEG image

Comments: 0 | Viewed: 25 times | Downloaded: 19 times


Blob Galaxy Chip-Seq Gene List

Created: 2012-01-12 12:50:30 | Last updated: 2012-01-12 12:50:31

Credits: User Katy Wolstencroft

License: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License

This file contains a list of genes associated with Chip-Seq peaks. It is part of a Galaxy-Taverna Next Gen Sequencing tutorial

File type: Excel workbook

Comments: 0 | Viewed: 42 times | Downloaded: 192 times

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