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Blob Population Modelling Analysis Component

Created: 2013-05-28 09:38:35 | Last updated: 2013-11-13 11:20:11

License: Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 Unported License

A BioVeL component for analysis of staged matrices

File type: Taverna Component Profile

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Blob Fostering Collaborative and Inter-disciplinary Resea...

Created: 2013-05-16 17:18:53 | Last updated: 2013-05-16 17:37:12

Credits: User Dasands

License: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License

This paper was not written by me. It is one that I pulled off of the site. This is an area I would like to do further study in and would like the input of any of the MyExperiment members on its content, conclusions, any recommended redirection, etc The Url for the location of where the article was originally published is listed at the beginning of the paper.

File type: Adobe PDF

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Blob A Two-Step Binary Particle Swarm Optimization Approa...

Created: 2013-05-12 04:43:40

Credits: User Mohd Saberi

License: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License

Z.M. Yusof, A.F.Z. Abidin, A. Adam, K. Khalil, J.A.A Mukred, M.S Mohamad, Z. Ibrahim.  (2012). Vol 6, No.3, pp.771-776. .ICIC Express Letters (ICIC-EL). ICIC International. Indexed by SCOPUS.

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Blob A Pathway-Based Approach for Analyzing Microarray Da...

Created: 2013-05-12 04:40:38

Credits: User Mohd Saberi

License: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License

C.H. Shi, M.S. Mohamad, S. Deris, Z. Ibrahim.  (2012). Vol 6, No.5, pp. 1253-1257. ICIC Express Letters (ICIC-EL). ICIC International. Indexed by SCOPUS.

File type: Adobe PDF

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Blob “Aspartate Biosynthesis Pathway Simulation using an...

Created: 2013-05-12 04:34:24

Credits: User Mohd Saberi

License: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License

C.K. Chong, M.S. Mohamad, S. Deris, M.S. Shamsir, Y.W. Choon, L.E. Chai, Universiti Malaysia Terengganu 11th International Annual Symposium on Sustainability Science and Management (UMTAS 2012), pp. 956-961, Universiti Malaysia Terengganu, Malaysia, 9-11 July 2012.

File type: Adobe PDF

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Blob “Gene Knockout Strategies Identification by using a...

Created: 2013-05-12 04:32:30

Credits: User Mohd Saberi

License: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License

Y.W. Choon, M.S. Mohamad , S. Deris, C.K. Chong, L.E. Chai, Universiti Malaysia Terengganu 11th International Annual Symposium on Sustainability Science and Management (UMTAS 2012), pp. 962-968, Universiti Malaysia Terengganu, Malaysia, 9-11 July 2012.

File type: Adobe PDF

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Blob “The Emerging Field of Synthetic Biology: a Review”

Created: 2013-05-12 04:30:57

Credits: User Mohd Saberi

License: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License

N. Habibi, S.Z.M. Hashim, C. A. Rodriguez, M.S.M. Mohamad, S.Deris, 2012 4th International Conference on Intelligent and Advanced Systems (ICIAS2012), pp.160-164, Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre, 12 – 14 June, 2012. Indexed by Scopus.

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Blob A Hybrid of Artificial Bee Colony and Flux Balance A...

Created: 2013-05-12 04:27:51

Credits: User Mohd Saberi

License: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License

S.S Lee, Y.W. Choon, L.E. Chai, C.K. Chong, S. Deris, R.M. Illias, M.S. Mohamad. In A.S Sidhu & S.K Dhillon (Eds.), Studies in Computational Intelligence: Adv. In Biomedical Infrastructure 2013, Vol. 477, pp. 127-137. Springer-Verlag Berlin / Heidelberg. 2013. ISBN: 978-3-642-37136-3.

File type: Adobe PDF

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Blob Identifying Gene Knockout Strategy Using Bees Hill F...

Created: 2013-05-12 04:26:13

Credits: User Mohd Saberi

License: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License

Y.W. Choon, M.S. Mohamad, S. Deris, R.M. Illias, L.E. Chai, C.K. Chong. In A.S Sidhu & S.K Dhillon (Eds.), Studies in Computational Intelligence: Adv. In Biomedical Infrastructure 2013, Vol. 477, pp. 117-126. Springer-Verlag Berlin / Heidelberg. 2013. ISBN: 978-3-642-37136-3.

File type: Adobe PDF

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Blob Prediction of Vanillin Production in Yeast Using a H...

Created: 2013-05-12 04:25:12

Credits: User Mohd Saberi

License: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License

L.H. Yin, Y.W. Choon, L.E. Chai, C.K. Chong, S. Deris, R.M. Illias, M.S. Mohamad. In A.S Sidhu & S.K Dhillon (Eds.), Studies in Computational Intelligence: Adv. In Biomedical Infrastructure 2013, Vol. 477, pp. 101-116. Springer-Verlag Berlin / Heidelberg. 2013. ISBN: 978-3-642-37136-3.

File type: Adobe PDF

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