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Showing 1239 results. Use the filters on the left and the search box below to refine the results.

Blob EPR-Solver

Created: 2009-06-05 16:46:06 | Last updated: 2009-06-05 18:10:35

Credits: User booiiing

License: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License

This little perl-script automatically probes all assignments (g1, g2, g3) to (gx, gy, gz) (including negated values) in EPR/ESR (electron paramagnetic resonance / electron spin resonance) and tests them for several conditions. In the end, it gives you the assignements, as well as Eg, E1, E2, V/Delta and a, b, c. It is published under the terms of the GNU General Public Licence. Thus uploading is allowed for everyone to make it easier to contribute.

File type: Trident (Package)

Comments: 0 | Viewed: 62 times | Downloaded: 114 times



Blob The impact of workflow tools on data-centric research

Created: 2009-05-05 23:59:48

Credits: User David De Roure User Carole Goble

Attributions: Workflow Pathways and Gene annotations for QTL region

License: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License

final draft article for Tony Hey and Kristin Tolle's book "Data Intensive Computing: The Fourth Paradigm of Scientific Discovery"

File type: Adobe PDF

Comments: 0 | Viewed: 101 times | Downloaded: 110 times

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Blob Word file for myExperiment CCPE paper

Created: 2009-04-10 13:40:18 | Last updated: 2009-04-21 15:01:57

Credits: Network-member CCPE eScience 2008 special issue myExperiment paper co-authors

License: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License

Note this is not in any aprticular CCPE template as they only provide a LaTeX template

File type: Word document

Comments: 0 | Viewed: 68 times | Downloaded: 149 times

This File has no tags!


Blob ONDEX Graph from the Yeast Jamboree SBML

Created: 2009-02-10 10:51:58 | Last updated: 2009-02-10 12:48:52

Credits: User Paul Dobson

License: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License

The oxl file represents in ONDEX the SBML reconstruction of yeast metabolism produced in the "Jamboree", as described in the following paper.   PMID 18846089 A consensus yeast metabolic network reconstruction obtained from a community approach to systems biology. Nature Biotechnology. 2008 Oct;26(10):1155-60. Herrgård MJ, Swainston N, Dobson P, Dunn WB, Arga KY, Arvas M, Blüthgen N, Borger S, Costenoble R, Heinemann M, Hucka M, Le Novère N, Li P, Lieb...

File type: GNU Zip Archive

Comments: 0 | Viewed: 617 times | Downloaded: 53 times



Blob London Roadshow PPT

Created: 2009-01-29 13:56:35

Credits: User Dfmac

License: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License

 David Fergusson's presentation for London Roadshow

File type: PowerPoint presentation

Comments: 0 | Viewed: 71 times | Downloaded: 221 times



Blob Seeding cells protocol for OMERO.editor

Created: 2008-09-15 14:46:28 | Last updated: 2008-10-07 13:09:38

Credits: User Will

License: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License

 A simple demo protocol for OMERO.editor.  You can download OMERO.editor (as part of OMERO clients) from here.

File type: XML data

Comments: 0 | Viewed: 115 times | Downloaded: 66 times



Blob White noise

Created: 2007-11-22 15:31:12 | Last updated: 2009-07-08 16:57:59

License: GNU General Public License (GPL) 2.0

Perfect for headphones in a busy environment.

File type: Binary data

Comments: 0 | Viewed: 73 times | Downloaded: 0 times

This File has no tags!


Blob Tools to split spatial N-dimensional data in cells o...

Created: 2016-10-19 09:31:56 | Last updated: 2018-06-29 09:12:04

Credits: User Alexey Mints

License: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License

Documentation to follow later

File type: text/x-python

Comments: 0 | Viewed: 61 times | Downloaded: 12 times



Blob Multiplot

Created: 2014-10-05 11:04:30 | Last updated: 2018-03-12 15:20:56

Credits: User Alexey Mints

License: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License

usage: [-h] [-x XCOLUMN] [-y COLUMNS] [-f FILES] [-o OUTPUT]                    [-s STYLE] [-xl XLABEL] [-yl YLABEL] [--log LOG]                    [-ltitles LEGENDTITLES] [-m MARKER] [-d DELIMITER]                    [--skip-header SKIP_HEADER] [-lp LEGEND_POSITION]Background calculatoroptional arguments:  -h, --help   &n...

File type: text/x-python

Comments: 0 | Viewed: 38 times | Downloaded: 17 times


Project Biovel

Blob Demographic data Cryptantha flava

Created: 2013-08-13 10:13:10 | Last updated: 2014-07-04 12:30:08

Credits: User Robcito

Attributions: Workflow Integral Projection Model for Demographic Modelling v34

License: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License

This is a .csv file of one year demographic data of the species: Cryptantha flava, collected and published by Roberto Salguero-Gómez (University of Queensland).This file allow users to run Integral Projection Model workflow. Each row represents one observation of an organism in the population at one census time t with the following column names:size: size of individuals in census time tsizeNext: size of individual...

File type: Excel workbook

Comments: 0 | Viewed: 91 times | Downloaded: 81 times


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