Automation of DNA Computing Readout Method Based on ...
Created: 2012-05-11 02:05:16
Mohd Saberi
License: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License
Preaiausly, an eutornatian of a DNA mmputing rcodad methd far the
HamiJtoni,an Path Prcblen (EPP) hos been implementd bosed on, LightCgcler Sgstem.
In this stud,y, a simiJar reoilmrt approach is implemented baseil on DNA Engine Opticon
2 System. The rcadott appmaeh consists of tuo steps: rcnl-time arnplification in
vitro us'i,ng TaqMowbaseil rcal-time PCR, followed by on in sili,co phase. The in silico
phase consists of a d,ata clwtering algorithm and an information processing to e...
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